Module add possibility to set some setting which defined in system.xml as code editor. Module is support next modes:
- html
- javascript
- json
- css
By default code theme is set to down. You can change this by path:
Stores / Configuration / WS-CV-UA / Ace editor / Settings / Code theme
Examples of using:
Code examples:
Initialization of field
<field id="html" translate="label comment" type="textarea" sortOrder="10" showInDefault="1">
<label>Html code</label>
<field id="js" translate="label comment" type="textarea" sortOrder="20" showInDefault="1">
<label>JS code</label>
<field id="json" translate="label comment" type="textarea" sortOrder="30" showInDefault="1">
<label>JSON code</label>
<field id="css" translate="label comment" type="textarea" sortOrder="40" showInDefault="1">
<label>Css code</label>
By default field height is 200px. For set some custom value you have to create new virtualType
and set there custom height:
<virtualType name="Wscvua\AceEditor\Block\Adminhtml\System\Config\Field\CssCodeH100"
<argument name="height" xsi:type="number">500</argument>
<field id="css" translate="label comment" type="textarea" sortOrder="40" showInDefault="1">
<label>Css code</label>