
Empanada exchange es un plugin de wordpress utilizado para obtener el valor actual del dolar y ejecutar acciones con este.

Primary LanguagePHPGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


This was from back at my beginnings in web-development, I started working with PHP and WordPress development, but also knowed HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript + AJAX at the time

=== Empanada exchange ===

Contributors: torswq
Tags: currency, currencyexchange, marketing, business, e-commerce
Requires at least: 5.5
Tested up to: 5.6
Donate link: mailto:torsw@protonmail.com
Stable tag: trunk
Requires PHP: 7.0
License URI: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html
License: GPLv3

Plugin for Argentinian-based websites. Retrieve in real-time dolar values.

Empanada exchange logo

== Description ==

This plugins is intended for people that must develop a website using wordpress in Argentina or for it.
The plugin retrieves the official dolar value for Argentina, with or without taxes i.e Country taxes and witholding of earnings (Impuesto PAIS y retención de ganancias)..
 This plugin does not store the history of the value, instead it retrieves the current value and stores it in the database in order to use it as an ARS - USD value translator.

  • These are the parameters of the shortcode.
    • [get_exchange precio=123]: Set an USD value and translate it to ARS.
    • [get_exchange get_precio=true]: If you do not set this parameter, you will not return the precio value.
    • [get_exchange impuesto_pais=true]: Apply the "Country tax" for the dollar, which is the 30% of surcharge e.g $1 USD = $100 ARS. With "Impuesto PAIS" $1 USD = $130 ARS
    • [get_exchange retencion_ganancias=true]: Apply the "Witholding of earnings", which is the 35% of surcharge e.g $1 USD = $100 ARS. With "Retencion de ganancias" $1 USD = $135 ARS

Note: There is something called solidarity dollar, that is the 65% of surcharge (this means that Country tax, and witholding of earnings are appliead), this dollar is used when foreign people wants to buy something in dollars instead of Argentinian pesos.

  • Some examples:
    • Get the current value of $1 USD in ARS: [get_exchange]
    • Get solidarity dollar: [get_exchange impuesto_pais=true retencion_ganancias=true]
    • Get $15 USD to ARS: [get_exchange precio=15 get_precio=true]
    • Get $15 solidarity dollars: [get_exchange impuesto_pais=true retencion_ganancias=true precio=15 get_precio=true]

== Frequently Asked Questions ==

  • Q: I tried to search for this plugin on wordpress plugin search, why it does not appears?

    • A: I am having problems with Wordpress HTTP-API, if i do not use it, you can't upload your plugin.
  • Q: How do i use it?

    • A: Simple, you must use the shortcode [get_exchange] and you will get the value of the dollar.
  • Q: I keep getting -1 (Plugin sin configurar)

    • A: This means that you must go to settings and select the source to retrieve the USD value in ARS. Currently i only code 1 source. (dolarsi.com)
  • Q: I am getting -4 Fallo la actualizacion del dolar en la base de datos ==

    • A: This means that you have no access to the database, you can try to run the plugin with wordpress debug-mode set to true

= Is there an english version of this plugin? =

There is no english version of this plugin yet, that is a feature i am working on.

= What about english users? We do not understand spanish =

I must prioritize my native country, since is an Argentinian oriented plugin, it would make no-sense if i write this plugin on english, what about the people who do not know english?

== Screenshots ==

  1. Example number one on how to use this plugin

##### == Changelog ==

= 0.1 =
First realease.

== Upgrade Notice ==
  • 0.1: Plugin exist, use it.
  • 0.0: Not recommended, plugin does not exist.

  1. Retrieve USD to ARS value with argentinian taxes.
  2. Retrieve USD price and translate it to ARS.


  • English translation
  • Add more sources to retrieve.
  • Add setting to set update time.

Here's a link to Wordpress cloudflare plugin and one to [Markdown's Syntax Documentation][https://www.markdownguide.org/basic-syntax/].