
OpenGL Compute Shader C++ Starter Project, useful as base for various projects

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT

OpenGL Compute Shader Starter Project using SDL2 with C++

This is a starter OpenGL Compute Shader project which I use as the base for various Compute Shader programs. It is very similar to my normal opengl-starter, except for the addition of the compute shader features and removal of some of the more advanced 3D features.


  • Render a texture, generated from a compute shader, on the screen
  • Rendering text on the screen, from a loaded font using the FreeType library
  • Easily modifiable main event/rendering loop and input function
  • Freely moving camera with smooth movement. Note: The camera is implemented, but the standard rendering setup does only render a 2D texture to the screen. If for example a 3D raytracer is desired, some additional code is needed.
  • Debug menu which lists performance stats, coordinates and more
  • Many useful hotkeys to help development and debugging
  • VSYNC and MSAA Antialiasing can be turned on easily in the Renderer class


SDL2 - for window and input managment
GLEW (static library) - for OpenGL context
GLM - for matrix/vector math
FreeType - for font bitmap creation
Included in the external/ folder using git submodules:
stb_image, stb_write, tinyobjloader

Build instructions

  1. Install the required dependencies: SDL2, GLEW, GLM, FreeType (apt-get install libsdl2-dev, libglm-dev, libglew-dev installs all except FreeType. Visit FreeType website for download)
  2. Clone the repo and the submodules (git submodule update --init --recursive)
  3. Run cmake (cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release .. in the folder opengl-starter/build/)
  4. You can now compile/modify the project


R - Hot reload shaders
C - Quit the program
Escape - Unfocus window
F1 - Toggle text rendering
F2 - Take screenshot
F3 - Toggle debug menu
F11 - Toggle fullscreen
WSAD - Movement
Space/Shift - Move up/down
Z/X - Increase/Decrease max speed