
SF CalFresh timeline

Primary LanguageJavaScript

CalFresh timeline

This timeline shows what it's like to be a CalFresh (Food Stamps) client in San Francisco for a year.

Check it out! http://lippytak.github.io/calfresh/

Want to know more?

This info was gathered by a team of 2013 Code for America fellows as part of a project with the San Francisco Human Service Agency. See promptly.io for details on that project. We built the timeline using TimelineJS.

Timeline spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/pub?key=0AnFBBOclPdX5dDN3WjhGSENGeHExZEtKY185dWd1N0E&output=html

Raw docs: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/hkvlie47rx78jjh/x6VfJ-3QfZ

Questions? Comments? Get in touch: sf@codeforamerica.org

How to create a (mostly) private timeline

A few people have asked how to create a private timeline. Here's a quick tutorial. Note that these instructions will keep your images private on your computer, but will publish all of the titles and descriptions publically on the internet in a Google Doc. Ping me with questions @lippytak.

  1. Download timeline-example.html from this repo. You can put it anywhere but I'll assume you saved it to a folder called timeline.
  2. Save your timeline images to the timeline folder.
  3. Create and publish a Google Spreadsheet
    • Create a Google account if you don't already have one.
    • Open this template
    • Click Use this template at the top left
    • In the Google spreadsheet, go to File > Publish to the web > Start publishing > then Copy the link at the bottom to your clipboard. It should look something like this: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/pub?key=0AnFBBOclPdX5dFBBQnlrX04wYWszNURGMUdqcWN3VVE&output=html
  4. Edit the Media column in the spreadsheet
    • Open your spreadsheet and edit the Media column with your image names. For example, if you have an image called my-image.jpg in the timeline folder, then enter my-image.jpg in the Media column.
    • The other columns are pretty self-explanatory. Experiment!
  5. Start a web server
    • TimelineJS requires a web server to run. That's okay. It's easy! I'll assume you're on a Mac. If not, check out Mongoose
    • Open Terminal
    • Navigate to the timeline folder cd timeline
    • Run python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8000
  6. Check it out!
    • You now have a timeline running locally on your computer, using images that are still private on your computer.

    • Open chrome or your web browser of choice and navigate to localhost:8000/timeline-example.html. You should see something like this:

      Timeline example