Tool for converting 3D geometries from PostGIS to 3D Tiles/b3dm tiles. The generated 3D Tiles can be visualized in Cesium JS, Cesium for Unreal, Cesium for Unity3D or other 3D Tiles client viewers.
3D Tiles 1.1 Implicit tiling;
Valid glTF 2.0 files;
Shading PbrMetallicRoughness and PbrSpecularGlossiness;
LOD support;
Query parameter support;
Outlines support (using CESIUM_primitive_outline);
Docker support.
Resulting tilesets are validated against 3D Tiles Validator (
Support for MapBox GL JS is deprecated at the moment.
To run this tool there must be a PostGIS table available containing triangulated polyhedralsurface geometries. Those geometries can be created by FME (using Triangulator transformer - or custom tesselation tools.
Tileset.json and b3dm tiles are by default created in the 'output/content' subdirectory (or specify output directory with -o, --output).
- 3D Bag by tudelftnl - 10 million Dutch buildings in 3D Tiles
- Baupotential analyse -
- FOSS4G presentations
Presentation at FOSS4G 2021: A fast web 3D viewer for 11 million buildings
Presentation at FOSS4G 2019: 3D geodata in the MapBox GL JS viewer with 3D Tiles
- Texel - 3D Terrain, subsurface and buildings in MapBox GL JS:
GeoTop Subsurface in MapBox GL JS:
Amsterdam Buildings in MapBox GL JS:
Amsterdam Buildings in Cesium:
Dover - Delaware buildings in MapBox GL JS:
Dover - Delaware buildings in Cesium:
Duisburg buidings converted from CityGML in MapBox GL JS -
All parameters are optional, except the -t --table option.
If --username and/or --dbname are not specified the current username is used as default.
-U, --username (Default: username) Database user
-h, --host (Default: localhost) Database host
-d, --dbname (Default: username) Database name
-c, --column (Default: geom) Geometry column name
-t, --table (Required) Database table name, include database schema if needed
-o, --output (Default: ./output/tiles) Output directory, will be created if not exists
-p, --port (Default: 5432) Database port
-a, --attributecolumns (Default: '') attributes column names (comma separated)
-g, --geometricerrors (Default: 2000, 0) Geometric errors
-q, --query (Default: '') Query parameter
--copyright (Default: '') glTF copyright
--shaderscolumn (Default: '') shaders column
--lodcolumn (Default: '') LOD column
--use_implicit_tiling (Default: True) Use 3D Tiles 1.1 Implicit tiling
--max_features_per_tile (Default 1000) Maximum number of features per tile in 3D Tiles 1.1 Implicit tiling
--sql_command_timeout (Default: 30) Command timeout for database queries (in seconds)
--boundingvolume_heights (Default: '0,100') Height of boundingVolume (min, max) in meters
--add_outlines (Default: False) Add outlines
--default_color (Default: '#FFFFFF') Default color for models
--help Display this help screen.
--version Display version information.
Sample command for running pg2b3dm:
-h localhost -U postgres -c geom_triangle --shaderscolumn shaders -t delaware_buildings -d postgres -g 100,0
Prerequisite: .NET 6.0 SDK is installed
$ dotnet tool install -g pg2b3dm
Or update
$ dotnet tool update -g pg2b3dm
To run:
$ pg2b3dm
See getting started for a tutorial how to run pg2b3dm and visualize buildings in MapBox GL JS or CesiumJS/Cesium for Unreal.
For a dataprocessing workflow from CityGML to 3D Tiles using GDAL, PostGIS and FME see dataprocessing/dataprocessing_citygml.
- All geometries must be type polyhedralsurface consisting of triangles with 4 vertices each. If not 4 vertices exception is thrown.
For large datasets create a spatial index on the geometry column:
psql> CREATE INDEX ON the_table USING gist(st_centroid(st_envelope(geom_triangle)));
With the LOD function there can be multiple representations of features depending on the distance to the camera (geometric error). So for example visualize a simplified geometry when the camera is far away, and a more detailed geometry when the camera is close.
Sample command for using LOD's:
-h localhost -U postgres -c geom_triangle --shaderscolumn shaders -t delaware_buildings_lod -d postgres -g 1000,100,0 --lodcolumn lodcolumn --use_implicit_tiling false --max_features_per_tile 1000
The LOD function will be enabled when parameter --lodcolumn is not empty.
The LOD column in the database contains integer LOD values (like 0,1). First the program queries the distinct values of the LOD column.
For each LOD the program will generate a tile (when there are features available).
The generated files (for example '4_6_8_0.b3dm') will have 4 parameters (x, y,z and lod). All the tiles will be included in the tileset.json, corresponding with the calculated geometric error.
if there are no features within a tile boundingbox, the tile (including children) will not be generated.
LOD function is not available when implicit tiling is used.
By default, as geometric errors [2000,0] are used (for 1 LOD). When there multiple LOD's, there should be number_of_lod + 1 geometric errors specified in the -g option. When using multiple LOD and the -g option is not specified, the geometric errors are calculated using equal intervals between 2000 and 0. When using implicit tiling only the first value of the geometric errors is used, the rest is automatically calculated by implicit tiling.
The -q --query will be added to the 'where' part of all queries.
Attribute query:
-q "ogc_fid=118768"
Spatial query:
-q "ST_Intersects(wkb_geometry, 'SRID=4326;POLYGON((-75.56996406 39.207228824,-75.56996406 39.2074420320001,-75.5696300339999 39.2074420320001,-75.5696300339999 39.207228824,-75.56996406 39.207228824))'::geometry)"
Make sure to check the indexes when using large tables.
With the -a attributecolumns parameter multiple columns with attributes can be specified. The attribute information is stored in the b3dm batch table. Multiple columns must be comma separated:
Sample: --attributescolumns col1,col2
Attribute columns can be of any type.
Tiles are created within a quadtree, with a maximum number of features by max_features_per_tile (default 1000). In pg2b3dm version 0.14 support for 3D Tiles 1.1 Impliciting Tiling is added. Impliciting Tiling can be activated using the parameter 'use_implicit_tiling' (default value 'true'). When Impliciting Tiling is activated a subtree file (0_0_0.subtree) will be created (in folder subtrees) and the tileset.json file will no longer explitly list all tiles.
At the moment, Implicit tiling is only supported in the CesiumJS client.
Some remarks about implicit tiling:
There is no support (yet) for creating octree instead of quadtree;
There is no support (yet) for multiple contents per tile;
There is no support (yet) for creating child subtrees, only root subtree file 0_0_0.subtree is created;
There is no support (yet) for implicit tiling metadata;
Parameter '-l --lodcolumn' is ignored when using implicit tiling;
Only the first value of parameter of geometric errors is used in tileset.json.
For more information about Implicit Tiling see
Shaderscolumn is a column of type json. In the json document the shaders are defined like PbrMetallicRoughness and PbrSpecularGlossiness. Note: PbrSpecularGlossiness is deprecated by Khronos, so advise is to use PbrMetallicRoughness.
The json must have the following structure:
"EmissiveColors": [list_of_emissivecolors in hex],
"PbrMetallicRoughness": {
"BaseColors": [ list_of_basecolors in hex],
"MetallicRoughness": [list_of_metallic_roughness in hex]
"PbrSpecularGlossiness": {
"DiffuseColors": [list_of_diffuse in hex],
"SpecularGlossiness": [list_of_specular_glossiness in hex]
The amount of colors in the lists must correspond to the number of triangles in the geometry, otherwise an exception is thrown.
Sample for using shader PbrMetallicRoughness with BaseColor for 2 triangles:
"PbrMetallicRoughness": {
"BaseColors": ["#008000","#008000"]
Sample for Specular Glossiness with Diffuse and SpecularGlossiness for 2 triangles :
"PbrSpecularGlossiness": {
"DiffuseColors": ["#E6008000","#E6008000"],
"SpecularGlossiness": ["#4D0000ff", "#4D0000ff"]
In the hexadecimal values there are 4 numbers (x, y, z, w) available. The following material channels table defines which number should be used for the various shader properties.
Channel | Shader Style | X | Y | Z | W |
Emissive | All | Red | Green | Blue | |
BaseColor | Metallic Roughness | Red | Green | Blue | Alpha |
MetallicRoughness | Metallic Roughness | Metallic Factor | Roughness Factor | ||
Diffuse | Specular Glossiness | Diffuse Red | Diffuse Green | Diffuse Blue | Alpha |
SpecularGlossiness | Specular Glossiness | Specular Red | Specular Green | Specular Blue | Glossiness |
Sample channel conversion:
- DiffuseColor in Hex = '#E6008000'
Converted to RGBA:
(230, 0, 128, 0)
So Diffuse Red = 230, Diffuse Green = 0, Diffuse Blue = 128, Alpha = 0
Fallback scenario from SpecularGlossiness to MetallicRoughness shader for clients that do not support SpecularGlossiness is not supported (yet)
BaseColor of default material is not configureable (yet)
Shader 'unlit' is not supported (yet)
Outlines using glTF 2.0 extension CESIUM_primitive_outline can be drawn by setting the option 'add_outlines' to true.
When enabling this function the extension 'CESIUM_primitive_outline' will be used in the glTF. The indices of vertices that should take part in outlining are stored in the glTF's. The CesiumJS client has functionality to read and visualize the outlines.
In the CesiumJS client the outline color can be changed using the 'outlineColor' property of Cesium3DTileset:
tileset.outlineColor = Cesium.Color.fromCssColorString("#875217");
For more information about CESIUM_primitive_outline see
When using Draco compression and Outlines there will be an error in the Cesium client: 'Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'count')' see also CesiumGS/gltf-pipeline#631
There is a workaround:
. Use gltf-pipeline with CesiumGS/gltf-pipeline#631
. Use gltf-pipeline settings --draco.compressionLevel 0 --draco.quantizePositionBits 14
Docker image:
Tags used (
{version}: specific version
latest: is build automatically after push to master
$ git clone
$ cd pg2b3dm/src
$ docker build -t geodan/pg2b3dm .
Test feature branch:
$ git clone
$ git checkout {name_of_feature_branch}
$ cd pg2b3dm/src
$ docker build -t geodan/pg2b3dm:{name_of_feature_branch} .
Sample on Windows:
$ docker run -v C:\output:/app/output -it geodan/pg2b3dm -h my_host -U my_user -d my_database -t my_table
Sample on Linux:
$ docker run -v $(pwd)/output:/app/output -it geodan/pg2b3dm -h my_host -U my_user -d my_database -t my_schema.my_table
Requirement: Install .NET 6.0 SDK
Installation guide see
To run the app:
$ git clone
$ cd pg2b3dm/src/pg2b3dm
$ dotnet run -- -h my_host -U my_user -d my_database -t my_schema.my_table
To create an self-contained executable '~/bin/pg2b3dm' for Linux:
$ git clone
$ cd pg2b3dm/src/pg2b3dm
$ dotnet publish -c Release -r linux-x64 /p:PublishSingleFile=true
$ cp ./bin/Release/net6.0/linux-x64/publish/pg2b3dm ~/bin
$ ~/bin/pg2b3dm
Alternative options for parameter -r in dotnet publish: 'osx-x64' (Mac), 'win-x64' (Windows)
$ git clone
$ cd src
$ code .
In Visual Studio Code, open .vscode/launch.json and adjust the 'args' parameter to your environment
"args": ["-h" ,"my_host", "-U" ,"my_user", "-d", "my_database", "-t", "my_table"],
Press F5 to start debugging.
SharpGLTF ( for generating glTF;
CommandLineParser ( for parsing command line options;
Npgsql ( - for access to PostgreSQL;
b3dm-tile ( - for generating b3dm files;
Wkx ( - for geometry handling.
Subtree ( - for subtree file handling
2023-03-27: release 1.5.1, add outlines support for multiple shaders
2023-03-15: release 1.5.0, adding options 'add_outlines' (default false) and 'default_color' (#FFFFFF)
2023-02-16: release 1.4.3, fix for implicit tiling - missing b3dm's on high z-levels
2023-02-02: release 1.4.2, fix subtree files generation
2023-02-01: release 1.4.1, fix global tool
2023-02-01: release 1.4, adding tree of subtree files support
2023-01-10: release 1.3, adding LOD support
2022-12-13: release 1.2.3, fixing parameter use_implicit_tiling
2022-08-30: release 1.2.2, fixing initial boundingbox issue
2022-08-29: release 1.2.1
Fixing debug boundingVolumes and query parameter;
Option 'use_implicit_tiling' default value changed from False to True;
2022-08-24: release 1.1: adding parameters sql_command_timeout (default: 30 seconds) and boundingvolume_heights (default: 0,100)
2022-08-23: release 1.0
Use a quadtree tiling method by default, fix skewed bounding volumes in Cesium.
MapBox GL JS support is discontinued at the moment.
Breaking changes:
removed: parameter -i, --idcolumn
removed: parameter -e, --extenttile
renamed: parameter implicit_tiling_max_features to max_features_per_tile
2022-08-09: release 0.16, fixing materials (MetallicRoughness and SpecularGlossiness)
2022-08-09: release 0.15, use 1 geometric error for implicit tiling
2022-07-20: release 0.14, adding 3D Tiles 1.1 implicit tiling option
2022-07-05: release 0.13, adding glTF asset copyright
2022-01-24: release 0.12, to .NET 6, fixing decimal symbols regional settings on Windows
2021-10-27: release 0.11.2, fixing non latin characters issue in batch table
2021-09-30: release 0.11, adding multiple attribute columns support. 0.11.1 contains bug fix for batch table length
2020-11-17: release 0.10, adding shader support PbrMetallicRoughness and PbrSpecularGlossiness + to .NET 5.0
2020-06-18: release 0.9.4, adding query parameter support (-q --query)
2020-05-07: release 0.9.3, rewriting tiling method
2019-11-18: release 0.8 adding -f, --featurespertile and -e, --extenttile options
2019-10-02: release 0.7 adding id column option (default 'id')
2019-09-02: release 0.6 adding batching option on single column (-a option)
2019-08-21: release 0.5.1 with fix for non trusted Postgres connection
2019-08-20: release 0.5 adds support for multiple colors
2019-08-15: release 0.4.4 improving roof colors
2019-08-15: release 0.4.3 change degenerated triangles detection + removal
2019-08-14: release 0.4.2 fixing roof colors + filter very small triangles (<0.01)
2019-08-13: release 0.4.1 with fix for roof colors (option -r)
2019-08-12: release 0.4 adding roof color column option (-r)
2019-08-01: release 0.3.3 with 2 colors
2019-07-09: release 0.3 using library SharpGLTF
2019-06-01: release 0.2.1 with some small fixes
2019-06-01: initial release 0.2
2019-05-01: initial release 0.1