

Primary LanguageVim Script


My bash configuration files with a couple of useful aliases.


Automatic way

Fire up your terminal and type the following in it:

$ sh -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wschott/dotfiles/main/install)"

Don't worry, all your old files will be backed up!

Manual way

$ git clone git://github.com/wschott/dotfiles.git ~/.dotfiles
$ ~/.dotfiles/install

Update every now and then

by running:

$ ~/.dotfiles/install

VIM Mappings

Hints: = ESC, = CTRL, = SPACE, = CMD on OSX


  • ;; = : — easier command typing
  • jj, jk, ;; — exit to normal mode
  • H, L — go to start/end of line (EOL)
  • U — redo
  • Y — yank (copy) from cursor to EOL
  • ⎋⎋ — hide search highlights
  • Q — reformat paragraph
  • S — split line (opposite of J to join lines)
  • >, < — indent/deindent current block
  • . — repeat last command
    • >, . — indent many times
    • <, . — deindent many times
  • gw — swap words
  • {insert} ⌃F — omni completion
  • — fold/unfold current folding
  • ;s — substitute (search & replace)
  • ;* — replace word under cursor
  • ;c — find VCS merge conflict marker
  • ;1 — add a Markdown H1 below current line
  • ;v — select the just pasted text
  • {insert} ⌃v — paste from OS clipboard
  • ;y, ;Y — copy to OS clipboard
  • ;p, ;P — paste from OS clipboard
  • ;vs — reload .vimrc
  • %% — puts the current path to the command line
  • ;ft — fold html tag
  • ;S — sort CSS properties

Open/Save/Close files

  • ;e — edit
  • ;t — tabedit
  • ;es — split
  • ;ev — vsplit
  • ;w — save
  • ;W, ;x — save and close file
  • ;q — close file
  • ;Q — close all files
  • ;d — open directory of current file in current tab
  • ;dt — open directory of current file in new tab


  • ⌃j, ⌃k — go to previous/next tab


  • ⌃h, ⌃l — go to left/right split
  • ;H, ;L — create a split on the left/right side
  • ;K, ;J — create a split above/below
  • +, - = _ — increase/decrease split size
  • ;= — set width of all splits to equal size
  • T — move split window into new tab
  • ;mw and ;pw — swap split windows
    1. ;mw — mark first window for swap
    2. ;pw — swap current window with the previously marked one


  • ;pp — toggle paste mode
  • ;\ — toggle line wrapping
  • ;inv — toggle invisibles
  • ;num — toggle line numbers
  • ;C — toggle "keep current line in the center of the screen" mode

Set Filetype

  • _d — diff
  • _md — markdown

Mac OS X

  • ⌘k, ⌘{ — go to previous tab
  • ⌘j, ⌘} — go to next tab
  • ⌘1⌘9 — switch to tab #

Thanks to...
