
Tools for querying and analysis of genomic data

Primary LanguagePerlArtistic License 2.0Artistic-2.0


Bio::ToolBox - Tools for querying and analysis of genomic data


These libraries provide a useful interface for working with bioinformatic data. Many bioinformatic data analysis revolves around working with tables of information, including lists of genomic annotation (genes, promoters, etc.) or defined regions of interest (epigenetic enrichment, transcription factor binding sites, etc.). This library works with these tables and provides a set of common tools for working with them.

  • Opening and saving common tab-delimited text formats
  • Support for BED, GFF, VCF, narrowPeak files
  • Scoring intervals and annotation with datasets from microarray or sequencing experiments, including ChIPSeq, RNASeq, and more
  • Support for Bam, BigWig, BigBed, wig, and USeq data formats
  • Works with any genomic annotation in GTF, GFF3, and various UCSC formats, including refFlat, knownGene, genePred and genePredExt formats

The libraries provide a unified and integrated approach to analyses. In many cases, they provide an abstraction layer over a variety of different specialized BioPerl and related modules. Instead of writing numerous scripts specialized for each data format (wig, bigWig, Bam), one script can now work with virtually any data format.


Basic installation is simple with the standard Module::Build incantation. This will get you a minimal installation that will work with text files (BED, GFF, GTF, etc), but not binary files.

perl ./Build.PL
./Build test
./Build install

To work with binary Bam and BigWig files, see the "advanced installation" below for further guidance. Most scripts should fail gently with warnings if required modules are missing.

Released versions may be obtained though the CPAN repository using your favorite package manager.


Several library modules are included in this distribution. These are a highlight of the primary user-oriented libraries that are available.

  • Bio::ToolBox::Data

    This is the primary library module for working with a table of data, either generated as a new list from a database of annotation, or opened from a tab-delimited text file, for example a BED file of regions. Columns and rows of data may be added, deleted, or manipulated with ease.

    Additionally, genomic data may be collected from a wide variety of sources using the information in the data table. For example, scoring microarray or sequencing data for each interval listed in the data table.

    This module uses an object-oriented interface. Many of the methods and API will be familiar to users of Bio::Perl.

  • Bio::ToolBox::Data::Feature

    This is the object class for working with individual rows in a table of data. It provides a number of conventions for working with the rows in a standard fashion, for example returning the start column value
    regardless of which column it is or whether the table is bed or gff or an arbitrary text file. A number of convenience methods are present for collecting data from data files. This module is not used directly by the user, but its objects are returned when using Bio::ToolBox::Data iterators.

  • Annotation parsers

    Included are two generic parsers for loading an entire genome-worth of annotation into memory within a reasonably short amount of time.

    • Bio::ToolBox::parser::gff

      This parses both GTF and GFF3 file formats. Unlike most other GFF parsers that work line-by-line only, this maintains parent and child hierarchical relationships as parent feature and child subfeatures. To further maintain control and reduce unnecessary parsing, unwanted feature types can be selectively skipped.

    • Bio::ToolBox::parser::ucsc

      This parses various UCSC file formats, including different refFlat, GenePred, and knownGene flavors. Genes, transcripts, and exons are assembled into hierarchical child-parent relationships as desired.

  • Bio::ToolBox::SeqFeature

    This is a fast, lean, simple object class for representing genomic features. It supports, for the most part, the Bio::SeqFreatureI and Bio::RangeI API interface without the dependencies. It uses an unorthodox blessed-array object structure, which provides measurable improvements in memory consumption and speed when loading thousands of annotated SeqFeature objects (think hg19 or hg38 annotation).

  • Bio::ToolBox::GeneTools

    This is a collection of exportable functions for working with Bio::SeqFeatureI compliant objects representing genes and transcripts. It works with objects derived from one of the "Annotation parsers" or a Bio::DB::SeqFeature::Store database. The functions make hard things easy, such as identifying whether a transcript is coding or not (is it encoded in the primary_tag or source_tag or GFF attribute or does it have CDS subfeatures?), or identify the alternative exons or introns of a multi-transcript gene, or pull out the 5' UTR (which is likely not explicitly defined in the table).


The BioToolBox package comes complete with a suite of high-quality production-ready scripts ready for a variety of analyses. Look in the scripts folder for details. A sampling of what can be done include the following:

  • Annotated feature collection and selection
  • Data collection and scoring for features
  • Data file format manipulation and conversion
  • Low-level processing of sequencing data into customizable wig representation

Scripts have built-in documentation. Execute the script without any options to print a synopsis of available options, or add --help to print the full documentation.


The following are just a few examples of highlighted scripts and their usage for solutions to common situations. Refer to the scripts' documentation for details on options shown and not shown.

  • Convert or extract gene annotation

    Gene annotation from UCSC frequently come in UCSC specific formats, including refFlat and genePred, whereas gene annotation from Ensembl frequently come in GTF or GFF3 formats. At some point, some tool will specifically need annotation in a different format than what you have (since most of bioinformatics seem to be converting from one format to another), get_features.pl can help here.

    Simple conversion:

       get_features.pl --in file.gff3.gz --refflat

    Extract only protein-coding genes, collapsing alternate transcripts into one combined meta-transcript, as a GTF:

       get_features.pl --in file.gff3.gz --feature mRNA --collapse --gtf

    Pull specific biotype lincRNA transcripts from standard chromosomes:

       get_features.pl --in file.gff3 --feature transcript --biotype lincRNA \
       --chrskip 'contig|scaffold|unmapped' --gtf

    Pull annotation from a Bio::DB::SeqFeature::Store SQLite database for use in downstream applications:

       get_features.pl --db annotation.sqlite --feature gene --out genes.txt 
  • Extract specific gene regions

    Not all parts of genes that you might be interested in are explicitly defined or encoded into a gene annotation table; rather, they are inferred. The get_gene_regions.pl script can extract these inferred regions.

    Extract only the alternate exons from multi-transcript genes:

      get_gene_regions.pl --region altExon --in genes.gtf --out altExons

    Extract all the transcription start sites of protein coding transcripts, but only report those of alternate transcripts once if they're within 200 bp, and expand the site by 200 bp in both directions, as a bed file:

      get_gene_regions.pl --region tss --in genes.gtf --bed --out tss200.bed \
      --feature gene --transcript mRNA --unique --slop 200 --start -200 --end 200 
  • Generate wig file representation of a bam file

    Lots of existing programs can generate a coverage file from a bam file, but bam2wig.pl will generate wig files in every which way imaginable. Some common scenarios include:

    ChIPSeq normalized fragment coverage with empirical fragment size determination (single-end):

      bam2wig.pl --extend --shift --model --rpm --bw --in file1.bam --out file1.bw

    ChIPSeq normalized fragment coverage with explicit extension, explicit scaling factor, averaged over 3 replicates, excluding repeat elements and certain chromosomes:

      bam2wig.pl --extend --extval 200 --bw --out file.bw --rpm --mean \
      --scale 0.0133 --blacklist repeats.bed.gz --chrskip 'chrM|contig|scaffold' \
      --cpu 12 replicate1.bam replicate2.bam replicate3.bam 

    ATACSeq cut sites, where cut sites are represented by 50 bp pileup centered over the cut site at the 5' end:

      bam2wig.pl --shift --shiftval -25 --extend --extval 50 --in file1.bam

    RNASeq stranded coverage, where 2 wig files are generated for each strand, ignoring multi-mappers, with output basename of 'experiment':

      bam2wig.pl --span --splice --strand --nosecondary --rpm --bw \
      --in file1.bam --out experiment

    Simple point representation of all fragments for counting:

      bam2wig.pl --start --bw --in file1.bam --out file1.bw
  • Simple data collection

    Sometimes you just need simple, summarized scores over a list of genes or regions. The get_datasets.pl script can collect data summarized data from bigWig, bigBed, Bam, USeq, and more.

    Collect mean values over Bed intervals:

      get_datasets.pl --in file.bed --method mean score1.bw score2.bw score3.bw

    In general, bam2wig.pl has much better controls for filtering and scoring bam alignments, but in a pinch get_datasets.pl will also work with bam files. A method of mean or median will work with raw coverage, while count, name count (ncount), or precise count (pcount) will work with alignment counts.

      get_datasets.pl --in file.bed --method ncount file1.bam file2.bam

    Collect mean sense RNASeq coverage from a collection of stranded bigWig files in a folder (as shown above) over transcript exons:

      get_datasets.pl --in annotation.gtf --feature transcript --subfeature exon \
      --strand sense --ddb /path/to/stranded/bigWigs/ --data experiment --out file.txt
  • Collect data around a reference point

    Rather than collect a single score for region, you need to collect a range of scores relative to a single reference point, for example a transcription start site. The get_relative_data.pl script will collect data in a defined number of windows on both sides of a specified reference point.

    Collect mean values in twenty 500 bp windows (+/- 10 kb) from the transcription start site:

      get_relative_data.pl --in mRNA.gtf --method mean --win 500 --num 20 \
      --pos 5 --data scores.bw --out mRNA_TSS_10kb.txt
  • Collect profile data across an region

    Instead of collecting a single score for a region, you need to generate a profile across a region. The get_binned_data.pl script will collect scores in defined fractional windows across a region, setting length to each region an artificial 1000 bp.

    To collect an average profile expression across transcripts, excluding introns, and generate a summary (average profile):

      get_binned_data.pl --in mRNA.gtf --method mean --subfeature exon --bins 50 \
      --strand sense --ddb /path/to/stranded/bigWigs/ --data experiment \
      --sum --out mRNA_sense_profile.txt
  • Manipulate collected dataset file

    Inevitably, you need to manipulate your data files: add or remove columns, perform mathematical functions on columns, etc. You could open the file in a spreadsheet application, or in an R session, or get creative with cut, sed, or awk commands in the terminal, or just simply run manipulate_datasets.pl.

      manipulate_datasets.pl file.txt

    This script is designed to run interactively, allowing you to choose functions via letter options from a menu. Alternatively, functions can be specified on the command line for a programmatic approach in a bash script, for example. Note that column indexes are numbered from 0.

      manipulate_datasets.pl --in file.txt --func multiply --index 5 --target 0.0133


This is a brief, advanced installation guide for getting a complete installation. I recommend using a simple CPAN package manager such as cpanm. Note that in the following example commands, cpanm is given a Perl module name, which is used to query CPAN, but it can also easily take a URL or a downloaded archive file.

Note that Make and compilation tools, e.g. GCC or clang, are required. Most linux distributions have these available as an optional install if they're not already available. On MacOS, install the Xcode Command Line Tools.


For privileged installations (requiring root access or sudo privilege) you probably already know what to do. You can use the --sudo or -S option to cpanm. Note that installing lots of packages in the vendor system perl is generally not recommended, as it could interfere with other vital OS functions. It's best to use one of the other two methods.

For home directory installations using the system perl, you should first install local::lib, and set the appropriate incantation in your .bash_profile, .bashrc, or other equivalent file as described. This can also be used for targeted, standalone installations; adjust accordingly. For example,

curl -L https://cpanmin.us | perl - local::lib App::cpanminus \
&& echo 'eval "$(perl -I$HOME/perl5/lib/perl5 -Mlocal::lib)"' >> ~/.bash_profile \
&& . ~/bash_profile

For home directory installations using a newer, modern perl (because many vendor OS Perl installations are sadly out of date), please investigate installing your own Perl using PerlBrew, which makes installing newer Perl versions mostly painless and hands off; it easily manages multiple side-by-side installations as well as multiple local::lib installations, in case you want to isolate packages.

External libraries

There are two external C libraries that are required for reading Bam and BigWig files. Note that both Perl modules Bio::DB::HTS and Bio::DB::Big include INSTALL.pl scripts within their bundles that can compile these external libraries for you in a semi-automated control. Proceed here if you wish to have more control over what and where these are installed.

  • HTSlib

    Follow the directions within for installation. Version 1.8 is known to work well, although newer versions should work too. By default, it installs into /usr/local, or it may be set to another directory ($HOME for example) by adding --prefix=$HOME option to the configure step. This may also be available via OS or other package managers.

  • libBigWig

    Follow the directions within for installation. By default, it installs into /usr/local. To change to a different location, manually edit the Makefile to change prefix to your desired location, and run make && make install.

Perl modules

The following Perl packages should be explicitly installed. Most of these will bring along a number of dependencies (which in turn bring along more dependencies). In the end you will have installed dozens of packages.

  • Module::Build

    This may or may not need to be installed, depending on the age of your Perl installation and how much else has been installed. It was part of the standard Perl distribution up until version 5.21.

  • Bio::Perl

    The Bio::Perl package is a large bundle that brings along a number of extraneous modules and bundled scripts, the vast majority of which is not needed by Bio::ToolBox. This is required by Bio::DB::HTS, local annotation SQLite databases, and any of the legacy adapters.

    If you build this manually, or run cpanm with the --interactive option, you can interactively choose what scripts to include or not include. By default, it installs all additional scripts. None of the included scripts are required by BioToolBox.

  • Bio::DB::HTS

    This provides a perl interface to the HTSlib library for working with Bam files. It should be able to identify HTSLIB in standard library locations, such as /usr/local for example, on its own. For non-standard locations, specify the location of the HTSlib path to Build.PL using the --htslib option.

  • Bio::DB::Big

    This provides a perl interface to the UCSC-style bigWig and bigBed formats. As with HTSlib, this should be able to identify the libBigWig library in standard locations, but with non-standard locations, you may specify the path with the --libbigwig option to Build.PL.

  • Parallel::ForkManager

    This is highly recommended to get multi-cpu support for some of the data collection scripts, which can otherwise get slow with a single thread.

  • Set::IntervalTree

    This is necessary for optional functionality for a few scripts.

  • DBD::SQLite

    If you plan on using BioPerl Bio::DB::SeqFeature::Store databases for annotation, then installing SQLite support is suggested. For larger, shared databases, DBD::mysql is also supported.

An example of installing these Perl modules with cpanm in your home directory is below. Adjust accordingly.

cpanm -L $HOME/perl5 Module::Build Bio::Perl
cpanm -L $HOME/perl5 --configure-args="--htslib $HOME" Bio::DB::HTS
cpanm -L $HOME/perl5 --configure-args="--libbigwig $HOME" Bio::DB::Big
cpanm -L $HOME/perl5 Parallel::ForkManager Set::IntervalTree Bio::ToolBox

External applications

Some programs, notably bam2wig.pl among others, requires external UCSC utilities for converting wig files to bigWig. You may download these from the UCSC Genome Browser utilities section for either linux or MacOS. Copy them to your bin directory in your PATH, for example $HOME/bin, $HOME/perl5/bin, or /usr/local/bin. Be sure to make them executable by running chmod +x on each file.

  • wigToBigWig
  • bedGraphToBigWig
  • bedToBigBed

An example for downloading on linux:

for name in wigToBigWig bedGraphToBigWig bedToBigBed; \
do curl http://hgdownload.soe.ucsc.edu/admin/exe/linux.x86_64/$name > $HOME/bin/$name \
&& chmod +x $HOME/bin/$name; done;

Legacy Perl modules

These are additional legacy Perl modules that are supported (for example, if you still have a GBrowse installation), but are either not required or have been superseded by other modules.

MacOS specific notes

While Macs have a Unix-compatible command-line environment, there are a few issues and solutions that I have encountered that may be useful to someone.

  • Install XCode command line tools

    You don't need the full blown XCode installed, just the command line tools. Running the following command in terminal will prompt to install them.

      xcode-select --install
  • Installing your own Perl

    Apple is generally a little slow in updating their Perl compared to the latest available versions, and it is compiled for backwards compatibility with 32-bit i386 processors (!), at least as of High Sierra (10.13). Some of the errors below will go away if you compile your own Perl, but your success may vary.

    While using PerlBrew generally works well in most cases, I have found the recommendations described here, with modifications, work well for me. Here is my example for installing version 5.26 on a MacOS 10.13 machine.

      perlbrew install 5.26.2 --as 5.26 --thread --multi --64all -j 8 \
      -Dccflags="-mmacosx-version=10.13" -Dccdlflags="-mmacosx-version-min=10.13" \
      -Dldflags="-mmacosx-version-min=10.13" -Dlddflags="-mmacosx-version-min=10.13"

    You may adjust options as necessary.

  • Linking errors

    When linking Perl modules with XS code (compiled C extensions), especially when using the system Perl, you may see the following errors.

      ld: warning: object file was built for newer OSX version (10.13) than being linked (10.4)

    This is due to Apple compiling their system Perl with far-reaching backwards compatibility; the Perl binary was compiled for both i386 and x86_64, but in all likelihood your XS was compiled only for x86_64. In some cases, this is a harmless error; in other cases, it's a deal breaker. The best solution is to install your own Perl.

  • rpath errors

    This is especially notable with the Bio::DB::Big installation as described above, where the ./Build test fails dramatically because a shared library can not be loaded by the bundle, usually with an error message including this:

      Reason: unsafe use of relative rpath libBigWig.so in blib/arch/auto/Bio/DB/Big/Big.bundle with restricted binary

    The solution is to manually re-link the bundle to the shared library file with the following command. See this link for the source of the solution.

      install_name_tool -change libBigWig.so /path/to/lib/libBigWig.so blib/arch/auto/Bio/DB/Big/Big.bundle
  • DB_File errors

    There are reports of issues regarding certain BioPerl modules that rely on the Berkley database module DB_File. This appears to stem from an issue with the Apple-supplied library in High Sierra as described here. The best solution is to install your own berkley-db library.

    For BioToolBox users, the biggest effect appears to be exceptionally long times when using the in-memory database adapater, which is employed in the the included test file 04.DB.t.


Timothy J. Parnell, PhD
Huntsman Cancer Institute
University of Utah
Salt Lake City, UT, 84112


This package is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the Artistic License 2.0. For details, see the full text of the license in the file LICENSE.

This package is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but it is provided "as is" and without any express or implied warranties. For details, see the full text of the license in the file LICENSE.