
Building our dream home. Open source style!

GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Building our dream home. Open source style!


I grew up in a home that was built by a single man. I never knew this man. I always thought of him as the architect. Frankly, that's exactly what he was. From the stories I heard, he was responsible for building almost the entire neighborhood.

Here I am, searching for a home of my own... I look around and see that I'll have to take out a loan for 15 years! (Oh my, don't even get me started on 30 year loans...) I'm told I'll only pay the banks around 100% of what I owe!?

I don't know if that's for me.

So I start watching YouTube and notice that I'm not alone. There are a bunch of YouTubers that have built their own homes and homesteads. Likely for some different and some of the same reasons, we look towards what we're capable of. We turn from the 'experts' but not away from their advice.


I want a place of my own.

I don't want to go into debt, I don't want to rely on shoddy worksmanship, and I don't want to feel cheated. I want things done right, so I'm going to do them myself.

Please join me on this adventure while we plan, design, replan, and redisgn the home of our dreams. If all goes well, we will build it and have a place of our own.


Honestly, I've never built a house before... I don't expect we'll get things right on the first try. But, if I've learned anything from my Engineering training, I've learned... Oh, that's right, I've learned how to make mistakes.

I want this repository to include everything from initial floor plans to pictures of the completed house. I will be putting together an easier to view documentation as time goes on. Please feel free to reach out if you would like to contribute to my project or if you have any advice.

Best wishes, Will