Hix One Fourteen Zero Pg

Ruby on Rails application initialized with Hix on Rails.

System dependencies

  • Ruby version: 2.7.1
  • Rails version:
  • Database: PostgreSQL
  • Redis installed


Copy an existing sample environment file. Run:

$ cp .env.sample .env

and edit newly created .env file. The minimum you are going to need are credentials to your local PostgreSQL database.

Then, install all the necessary gems:

bundle install

Database creation

In order to create the database with all the necessary seed data, run:

$ rails db:create db:structure:load:with_data db:seed

How to start the app

The simplest way to start the app is using foreman gem.

gem install foreman
foreman start -f Procfile.dev

It is not included in the Gemfile, as advised in its documentation.

If you prefer running all of the processes separately, read on.

Start the Ruby on Rails server with:

rails server

To run Sidekiq, launch another process with:

bundle exec sidekiq

In order to intercept emails sent with ActionMailer in development install the mailcatcher gem locally:

gem install mailcatcher

and visit your mailbox

All emails send with your app will appear here.

How to run the test suite

In order to run the whole test suite, run:

$ bundle exec rspec

Code quality checks

The application provides the following code quality analysis tools:

To run them locally:

$ bundle exec brakeman
$ bundle exec fasterer
$ bundle exec rubocop
$ bundle exec rails_best_practices
$ bundle audit