
Pathogen-friendly packaging of Factor's Vim support (BSD licensed). I have no plans of actively maintaining this, it's mainly for personal convenience.

Primary LanguageVim script

Vim support for Factor

This directory contains various support files that make editing Factor code more pleasant in Vim.


The file-layout exactly matches the Vim runtime structure, so you can install them by copying the contents of this directory into ~/.vim/ or the equivalent path on other platforms (Open Vim and type :help 'runtimepath' for details).

File organization

The current set of files is as follows:

  • ftdetect/factor.vim - Teach Vim when to load Factor support files.
  • ftplugin/factor.vim - Teach Vim to follow the Factor Coding Style guidelines.
  • plugin/factor.vim - Teach Vim some commands for navigating Factor source code. See below.
  • syntax/factor.vim - Syntax highlighting for Factor code.


The plugin/factor.vim file implements the following commands for navigating Factor source.

:FactorVocab factor.vocab.name

Opens the source file implementing the factor.vocab.name vocabulary.

:NewFactorVocab factor.vocab.name

Creates a new factor vocabulary under the working vocabulary root.


Opens the main implementation file for the current vocabulary (name.factor). The keyboard shortcut <Leader>fi is bound to this command.


Opens the documentation file for the current vocabulary (name-docs.factor). The keyboard shortcut <Leader>fd is bound to this command.


Opens the unit test file for the current vocabulary (name-tests.factor). The keyboard shortcut <Leader>ft is bound to this command.


In order for the :FactorVocab command to work, you'll need to set some variables in your vimrc file.


This variable should be set to the root of your Factor installation. The default value is ~/factor.


This variable should be set to a list of Factor vocabulary roots. The paths may be either relative to g:FactorRoot or absolute paths. The default value is ["core", "basis", "extra", "work"].


This variable should be set to the vocabulary root in which vocabularies created with NewFactorVocab should be created. The default value is work.


The syntax-highlighting file is automatically generated to include the names of all the vocabularies Factor knows about. To regenerate it manually, run the following code in the listener:

"editors.vim.generate-syntax" run

or run it from the command line:

factor -run=editors.vim.generate-syntax