
Move 'up' or 'down' without changing the cursor column. Cursor *always* stays in the same column.

Primary LanguageVim ScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Build Status

Adds vertical move motions to vim. These move a cursor 'up' or 'down' as many lines as possible without changing the cursor column. With these motions - cursor always stays in the same column! These are especially useful in visual-block mode.

These motions are a bit hard to verbally explain, so be sure to check the animated examples below.


  • [v - moves 'up' as many lines as possible without changing the cursor column
  • ]v - moves 'down' as many lines as possible. Also doesn't change the cursor column


  • Problem scenario: selecting a block of text with vertical movements with vanilla vim (vim-vertical-move not installed). Notice how the cursor column position is lost when using the original paragraph motion }.
    original paragraph motion example

  • Solution using vim-vertical-move: pressing ]v the cursor moves 'down' as many lines as possible, without changing the cursor column.
    vertical move motion example


  • Pathogen
    git clone git://github.com/bruno-/vim-vertical-move.git ~/.vim/bundle/vim-vertical-move

  • Vundle
    Plugin 'bruno-/vim-vertical-move

  • vim-plug
    Plug 'bruno-/vim-vertical-move

Contributing and development

Patches are contributions are welcome.

This plugin has a decent vspec test coverage. If your patch is non-trivial, please write tests for it.

For instructions how to run and write tests see :h vertical-move-contributing.
