
32-bit, 5-stage pipelined MIPS processor using DE10-Lite FPGA development board

Primary LanguageVerilog


32-bit, 5-stage pipelined MIPS processor using DE10-Lite FPGA development board


We follow a standard single-cycle MIPS processor architecture, followed by implementing pipelining with pipelined registers and data hazard solutions including a Forwarding Unit, Stall Control Unit, and Flush Control Unit. Pipelined 32-bit MIPS Processor Block Diagram


Instruction Set

  1. ADD rd, rs, rt: Reg[rd] = Reg[rs] + Reg[rt].
  2. BNE rs, rt, imm16: if (Reg[rs] != Reg[rt]) PC = PC + 4 + Sign_ext(Imm16)<<2 else PC = PC + 4.
  3. J target: PC = { PC[31:28], target, 00 }.
  4. JR rs: PC = Reg[rs].
  5. LW rt, imm16(rs): Reg[rt] = Mem[Reg[rs] + Sign_ext(Imm16)].
  6. SLT rd, rs, rt: If (Reg[rs] < Reg[rt]) Reg[rd] = 00000001 else Reg[rd] = 00000000.
  7. SUB rd, rs, rt: Reg[rd] = Reg[rs] – Reg[rt].
  8. SW rt, imm16(rs): Mem[Reg[rs] + Sign_ext(Imm16)] = Reg[rt].
  9. XORI rt, rs, imm16: Reg[rt] = Reg[rs] XOR Zero_ext(Imm16

Executing code

Populate the file "instr.txt" with binary instructions (in MIPS), following control signals defined by the Control Unit. Run a simulation on Modelsim to verify processing.