
We prodive a dataset contains full HTTPS raw PCAP files of crawling top 779 accessed HTTPS websites. The scan was made daily based using Goolge Chrome and Mozilla Firefox Web browsers.

We prodive a dataset contains full HTTPS raw PCAP files of crawling top 779 accessed HTTPS websites. The scan was made daily based using Goolge Chrome and Mozilla Firefox Web browsers.

  • The database is constructed by crawling HTTPS websites over two weeks (September 2016).
  • The full PCAP files are given with full HTTPS payloads.
  • The Google Chrome pcap files include 250,185 HTTPS flows related to 7977 services/websites.
  • The Firefox pcap files include 237,127 HTTPS flow related to 7322 services/websites.
  • pkt2flow (https://github.com/caesar0301/pkt2flow) tool can be used to extract flows from PCAP files.

License: Use of the datasets above for research or other purposes is subject to the "Creative Commons 4.0 Attribution-Sharealike license" (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/).

Link to download page: http://betternet.lhs.inria.fr/datasets/https/