
code-review-desmond-shimei created by GitHub Classroom


Peer Code Review

Congrats on completing your project! You wrote a lot of code over a period of a few days, and you've developed a working product from the ground up.

While we will build a lot of code throughout WDI, it's also important that we know how to read code. Code is usually only written once, but modified hundreds, if not thousands of times in software products. Your deliverable will be to read the code your peers wrote, summarize the code in your own words, and give feedback.

Getting Started

  1. Receive your partner pairing from your managers.
  2. For each developer in your group, spend some time understanding each project and how each project is structured.
  3. Spend some time looking through the code and figuring out how the code implements functionality in the project.
  4. Give your peer a writeup that consists of the following. You can give answers in an essay format, or by using bullet points. Either way, use Markdown if possible.
  • A short summary of the project's purpose.
  • A summary of project's organization, in terms of directories and files
  • For each major feature of the project, explain how the feature is implemented in terms of processes and architecture
  • At least 2 attributes of the project that you found successful or useful (GLOW)
  • At least 2 attributes of the project that could use improvement (GROW)

Note: For each attribute of the project, think in terms of user experience, styling, layout, and code readability. If you don't know what a section of code does, that may warrant a conversation about what could be improved. Remember KISS and DRY principles as well.


  1. All content is licensed under a CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0 license.
  2. All software code is licensed under GNU GPLv3. For commercial use or alternative licensing, please contact legal@ga.co.