
BiB/i | EPUB Reader on Your Web Site.

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EPUB Reader on Your Site.

How to setup

BiB/i supports two ways to read EPUB books:

  • in browser on your local machine and
  • via web.

In either case, download BiB/i from here and unzip it at first.

Read EPUB books in browser

  1. Open bib/i/index.html in your browser and
  2. drag an EPUB book and drop it into the window.
  3. That's all!

Read EPUB books via web

Demo is here.

  1. Upload bib directory to your web server,
  2. upload your EPUB books(for instance, my-book.epub here) to bib/bookshelf directory and
  3. access to http://your.web.site/bib/i/?book=my-book.epub by your browser.
  4. Or embed code below into your blog and visit the blog entry.
<a href="http://your.web.site/somewhere/bib/i/?book=my-book.epub" data-bibi="embed" data-bibi-style="CSS as you like">my-book.epub</a><script src="http://your.web.site/bib/i.js"></script>

Read EPUB books as unzipped archives

You may also read EPUB books as unzipped archives, or by page-by-page access, by uploading unzipped EPUB books to bookshelf directory. This is recommended because it accelarates reading experience of your readers.

  1. Unzip an EPUB book,
  2. Change the file extension from .epub to .zip(my-book.epub -> my-book.zip) and then
  3. unzip the file with some tool.
  4. upload it to bib/bookshelf directory, and
  5. visit http://your.web.site/bib/i/?book=my-book(note that it has no extension) or embed code for it.