
A user of on-chain apps can authenticate that the user is a correct holder of the specific email address and authorize anything described in the email.

Primary LanguageRustMIT LicenseMIT

Ether Email-Auth SDK


One issue with existing applications on Ethereum is that all users who execute transactions on-chain must install Ethereum-specific tools such as wallets and manage their own private keys. Our ether email-auth SDK solves this issue: it allows users to execute any transaction on-chain simply by sending an email.

Using the SDK, a developer can build a smart contract with the following features without new ZKP circuits.

  1. (Authorization) The contract can authorize any message in the Subject of the email that the user sends with a DKIM signature generated by an email provider, e.g., Gmail.
  2. (Authentication) The contract can authenticate that the given Ethereum address corresponds to the email address in the From field of the email.
  3. (Privacy) No on-chain information reveals the user's email address itself. In other words, any adversary who learns only public data cannot estimate the corresponding email address from the Ethereum address.

One of its killer applications is email-based account recovery, social recovery for account abstraction (AA) wallets. In social recovery, the wallet owner must appoint trusted persons as guardians who are authorized to update the private key for controlling the wallet. However, not all such persons are necessarily Ethereum users. Our solution mitigates this constraint by allowing guardians to complete the recovery process simply by sending an email. In other words, any trusted persons can work as guardians as long as they can send emails. Using the ether email-auth SDK, we construct a library and tools for any AA wallet providers to integrate our email-based account recovery just by implementing a few Solidity functions and a frontend!


In addition to a user and a smart contract employing our SDK, there is a permissionless server called Relayer. The Relayer connects the off-chain world, where the users are, with the on-chain world, where the contracts reside, without compromising security. Specifically, the user, the Relayer, and the contract collaborate as follows:

  1. (Off-chain) The user sends the Relayer an email containing a message to the contract in the Subject.
  2. (Off-chain) The Relayer generates an email-auth message for the given email, consisting of data about the Subject, an Ethereum address corresponding to the user's email address, a ZK proof of the email, and so on.
  3. (Off-chain -> On-chain) The Relayer broadcasts an Ethereum transaction to call the contract with the email-auth message.
  4. (On-chain) After verifying the given email-auth message, the contract executes application-specific logic depending on the message in the Subject and the user's Ethereum address.
  5. (On-chain -> Off-chain) The Relayer sends the user an email to report the execution result of the contract.

Novel Concepts

Account Code and Salt

An account code is a random integer in a finite scalar field of BN254 curve. It is a private randomness to derive a CREATE2 salt of the user’s Ethereum address from the email address, i.e., userEtherAddr := CREATE2(hash(userEmailAddr, accountCode)). That CREATE2 salt is called account salt, which is published on-chain. As long as the account code is hidden, no adversary can learn the user's email address from on-chain data.

Invitation Code

An invitation code is a hex string of the account code along with a prefix, contained in any field of the email header to be inherited by its reply, e.g., Subject. By confirming that a user sends an email with the invitation code, the contract can ensure that the account code is available to that user. It ensures the user’s liveness even when a malicious relayer or another user generates the user's account code because it prevents them from withholding the account code. It suggests that the contract must check if the given email sent by the user contains the invitation code before confirming that user’s account for the first time.

Notably, the email-auth message, which represents data in the user's email along with its ZK proof, has a boolean field isCodeExist such that the value is true if the invitation code is in the email. However, the Subject message in the email-auth message masks characters for the invitation code. Consequently, no information beyond the existence of the invitation code is disclosed.

Subject Template

A subject template defines the expected format of the message in the Subject for each application. It allows developers to constrain that message to be in the application-specific format without new ZKP circuits.

Specifically, the subject template is an array of strings, each of which has some fixed strings without space and the following variable parts:

  • "{string}": a string. Its Solidity type is string.
  • "{uint}": a decimal string of the unsigned integer. Its Solidity type is uint256.
  • "{int}": a decimal string of the signed integer. Its Solidity type is int256.
  • "{decimals}": a decimal string of the decimals. Its Solidity type is uint256. Its decimal size is fixed to 18. E.g., “2.7” ⇒ abi.encode(2.7 * (10**18)).
  • "{ethAddr}": a hex string of the Ethereum address. Its Solidity type is address. Its value MUST satisfy the checksum of the Ethereum address.

How to Develop New Apps

There are four significant packages in this repo:

circuits Package

It has a main circom circuit for verifying the email along with its DKIM signature, revealing a Subject message that masks an email address and an invitation code, and deriving an account salt from the email address in the From field and the given account code, which should match with the invitation code if it exists in the email. The circuit is agnostic to application contexts such as subject templates. Therefore, a developer does not need to make new circuits.

contracts Package

It has Solidity contracts that help smart contracts based on our SDK verify the email-auth message. Among them, there are three significant contracts: verifier, DKIM registry, and email-auth contracts.

The verifier contract in Verifier.sol has a responsibility to verify the ZK proof in the given email-auth message. It is a global contract, that is, multiple users in your application will use the same verifier contract. You can deploy a new verifier contract once or use the already-deployed contract.

The DKIM registry contract has a responsibility to manage a mapping between an email domain name and its latest public keys used to verify the DKIM signatures. It should have mechanisms such that each user or some trusted custodians can rotate and void the registered public keys. For example, the contract in ECDSAOwnedDKIMRegistry.sol requires ECDSA signatures from an owner of the predefined Ethereum address. If you use the common trusted custodians for all users, you can deploy a new DKIM registry contract once or use the already-deployed contract. If each user should be able to modify the registered public keys, a new DKIM registry contract needs to be deployed for each user.

The email-auth contract in EmailAuth.sol is a contract for each email user. Its contract Ethereum address is calculated as the CREATE2 of the account salt, i.e., the hash of the user's email address and one account code held by the user. It provides an entry function authEmail to verify the email-auth message by calling the verifier and the DKIM registry contracts. Besides, it supports ERC-1271. After the email-auth message is processed in the authEmail function, the isValidSignature function of the email-auth contract returns true for the hash of the data in the email-auth message and its email nullifier, a 32-byte data unique to each email.

Your application contract can employ those contracts in the following manner:

  1. For a new email user, the application contract deploys (a proxy of) the email-auth contract. Subsequently, the application contract sets the addresses of the verifier and the DKIM registry contracts and some subject templates for your application to the email-auth contract.
  2. Given a new email-auth message from the email user, the application contract calls the authEmail function in the email-auth contract for that user. If it returns no error, the application contract can execute any processes based on the message in the email-auth message.

relayer Package

It has a Rust implementation of the Relayer server. Unfortunately, the current code only supports an application of the email-based account recovery described later. We will provide a more generic implementation in the future.

prover Package

It has some scripts for a prover server that generates a proof of the main circuit in the circuits package. The Relayer calls the prover server for each given email to delegate the proof generation. You can deploy the prover server either on your local machine or Modal instances.

Security Notes

Our SDK only performs the verification of the email-auth message. You have a responsibility to ensure security and privacy in your application.

Here, we present a list of security notes that you should check.

  • As described in the Subsection of "Invitation Code", for each email user, your application contract must ensure that the value of isCodeExist in the first email-auth message is true.
  • The application contract can configure multiple subject templates for the same email-auth contract. However, the Relayer can choose any of the configured templates, as long as the message in the Subject matches with the chosen template. For example, if there are two templates "Send {decimals} {string}" and "Send {string}", the message "Send 1.23 ETH" matches with both templates. We recommend defining the subject templates without such ambiguities.
  • To protect the privacy of the users' email addresses, you should carefully design not only the contracts but also the Relayer server, which stores the users' account codes. For example, an adversary can breach that privacy by exploiting an API provided by the Relayer such that returns the Ethereum address for the given email address and its stored account code. Additionally, if any Relayer's API returns an error when no account code is stored for the given email address, the adversary can learn which email addresses are registered.

Application: Email-based Account Recovery

As a representative example of applications using our SDK, we provide contracts and a Relayer server for email-based account recovery. They assume a life cycle of the account recovery in four phases:

  1. (Requesting a guardian) A wallet owner requests a holder of a specified email address to become a guardian.
  2. (Accepting a guardian) If the requested guardian sends an email to accept the request, the wallet contract registers the Ethereum address corresponding to its email address.
  3. (Processing a recovery for each guardian) When a guardian sends an email to recover the wallet, the wallet contract updates state data for the recovery.
  4. (Completing a recovery) If the required condition for the recovery holds, the account recovery is done.

Specifically, we expect the following UX. Notably, the guardian only needs to reply to emails sent from the Relayer in every process.

  1. (Requesting a guardian 1/4) A web page to configure guardians for email-based account recovery requests the wallet owner to input the guardian's email address and some related data such as the length of timelock until that guardian's recovery request is enabled.
  2. (Requesting a guardian 2/4) The frontend on the web page randomly generates a new account code and derives the guardian's Ethereum address from the input guardian's email address and that code. It then requests the wallet owner to broadcast a transaction to register the guardian request into the wallet contract, passing the derived Ethereum address and the related data (not the private data such as the email address and the account code).
  3. (Requesting a guardian 3/4) The frontend also sends the wallet address, the guardian's email address, and the account code to the Relayer.
  4. (Requesting a guardian 4/4) The Relayer then sends the guardian an email to say "The owner of this wallet address requests you to become a guardian".
  5. (Accepting a guardian 1/3) If confirming the request, the guardian replies to the Relayer's email.
  6. (Accepting a guardian 2/3) The Relayer generates an email-auth message for the guardian's email and then broadcasts a transaction to pass it to the wallet contract.
  7. (Accepting a guardian 3/3) If the given email-auth message is valid, the wallet contract deploys an email-auth contract for the guardian and stores its address as the guardian.
  8. (Processing a recovery for each guardian 1/6) When losing a private key for controlling the wallet, on the web page to recover the wallet, the wallet owner inputs the wallet address to be recovered, the guardian's email address and a new EOA address called owner address derived from a fresh private key.
  9. (Processing a recovery for each guardian 2/6) The frontend on the web page sends the input data to the Relayer.
  10. (Processing a recovery for each guardian 3/6) The Relayer then sends the guardian an email to say "Please rotate the owner address for this wallet address to this EOA address".
  11. (Processing a recovery for each guardian 4/6) If confirming the requested recovery, the guardian replies to the Relayer's email.
  12. (Processing a recovery for each guardian 5/6) The Relayer generates an email-auth message for the guardian's email and then broadcasts a transaction to pass it to the wallet contract.
  13. (Processing a recovery for each guardian 6/6) If the given email-auth message is valid, the wallet contract updates states for the recovery.
  14. (Completing a recovery 1/2) When the frontend finds that the required condition to complete the recovery holds on-chain, e.g., enough number of the guardian's confirmations are registered into the wallet contract, it requests the Relayer to complete the recovery.
  15. (Completing a recovery 2/2) The Relayer broadcasts a transaction to call a function in the wallet contract for completing the recovery. If it returns no error, the owner address should be rotated.

Integration to your Wallet

Using our SDK, you can integrate email-based account recovery into your wallet. Specifically, it provides an abstract contract in EmailAccountRecovery.sol and a Relayer server compatible with that contract, agnostic to the specification of each wallet. By 1) having your wallet contract inherit the abstract contract, which requires you to implement five functions, and 2) building your frontend to call the contract and the Relayer, your wallet can support the email-based account recovery described above. Notably, our SDK does not specify concrete wallet specifications and the logic after verifying the email-auth messages for accepting a guardian and processing a recovery. Our SDK cannot ensure security and privacy in the entire process without your careful implementation.

You can integrate the email-based account recovery into your wallet in the following steps.

  1. (Contracts 1/5) First, you import the EmailAccountRecovery abstract contract in EmailAccountRecovery.sol and have your wallet contract inherit it. Your Solidity compiler will require you to implement five functions: acceptanceSubjectTemplates, recoverySubjectTemplates, acceptGuardian, processRecovery, and completeRecovery.
  2. (Contracts 2/5) You define expected subject templates for two types of emails sent from guardians, one for accepting the role of the guardian, and the other for confirming the account recovery. You can implement the former and latter subject templates in the acceptanceSubjectTemplates and recoverySubjectTemplates functions, respectively. This is an example of the subject templates:
    • Template in acceptanceSubjectTemplates: "Accept guardian request for {ethAddr}", where the value of "{ethAddr}" represents the wallet address.
    • Template in recoverySubjectTemplates: "Set the new signer of {ethAddr} to {ethAddr}", where the values of the first and second "{ethAddr}", respectively, represent the wallet address and the new owner address.
  3. (Contracts 3/5) Before implementing the remaining functions in EmailAccountRecovery, you implement a requesting function for the wallet owner to request a guardian, which is expected to be called by the wallet owner directly. Our SDK does not specify any interface or implementation of this function. For example, it can simply take as input a new guardian's Ethereum address, which will be the contract address of the guardian's email-auth contract to be deployed later, and store the given address as a guardian candidate. If you want to set a timelock for each guardian, the requesting function can additionally receive the timelock length from the wallet owner.
  4. (Contracts 4/5) You implement the acceptGuardian and processRecovery functions. These two functions are, respectively, called by your wallet contract itself after verifying the email-auth messages for accepting a guardian and processing a recovery. Each of them takes as input the contract address of the guardian's email-auth contract, an index of the chosen subject template, the values for the variable parts of the message in the Subject, and the email nullifier. You can assume these arguments are already verified. In the acceptGuardian function, for example, the wallet contract stores the given guardian's address as the confirmed guardian. In the processRecovery function, for instance, it stores the given new owner address or sets a timelock.
  5. (Contracts 5/5) You finally implement the completeRecovery function. It should rotate the owner address in the wallet contract if some required conditions hold. Notably, it does not take any arguments. Therefore, this function should only depend on the storage data.
  6. (Frontend 1/3) Next, you build a frontend for the account recovery. You prepare a page where the wallet owner configures guardians. It receives the wallet address (wallet_eth_addr) and the guardian's email address from the wallet owner (guardian_email_addr), generates a random account code (account_code), constructs an expected subject (subject) for the subject template whose index is template_idx in the output of the acceptanceSubjectTemplates() function. It then requests the wallet owner to call the requesting function in the wallet contract. After that, it calls the Relayer's acceptanceRequest API with those data.
  7. (Frontend 2/3) You also prepare a page where the wallet owner requests guardians to recover the wallet. It receives the wallet address (wallet_eth_addr) and the guardian's email address from the wallet owner (guardian_email_addr) and constructs an expected subject (subject) for the subject template whose index is template_idx in the output of the recoverySubjectTemplates() function. It calls the Relayer's acceptanceRequest API with those data.
  8. (Frontend 3/3) It simulates off-chain if the completeRecovery function in the wallet contract will return true at regular time intervals. When it holds, the frontend calls the Relayer's completeRequest API.

We show some points to implement the email-based account recovery in your wallet securely.

  • Timelock is strongly recommended. It allows a wallet owner who does not lose the private key to cancel the processing recovery when malicious guardians start it.
  • A single guardian might be not secure enough because an adversary can start the recovery only by exploiting that guardian's email account, e.g., stealing the password for that email account. Although the wallet owner can cancel the recovery, it requires the wallet owner to become online before the timelock expires.
  • If the main relayer goes down, users cannot continue the recovery until another relayer is available. The frontend should allow the wallet owner to choose an arbitrary relayer's email address to improve service availability.