
Consensus bacteria genome assembly pipeline using ILMN and ONT short- and long-reads

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Consensus bacterial genome assembly pipeline that utilizes the Flye assembler (https://github.com/fenderglass/Flye) with downstream short-read and long-read correction tools to provide contiguous, circularized replicons with low error rates.


William Shropshire


  • Flye (≥ 2.7)
  • BEDtools (≥ 2.29.2)
  • VCFtools (≥ 0.1.15)
  • berokka (≥ 0.2)
  • perl (≥ 5.28.0)
  • ncbi-blast+ (≥ 2.10.0)
  • Python (≥ 3.6.0)
  • Medaka (≥ 0.11.5)
  • MUMmer (≥ 3.23)
  • Prodigal (≥ 2.6.3)
  • Minimap2 (≥ 2.17-r974)
  • Racon (≥ 1.4.5)
  • bwa (≥ 0.7.17)
  • SAMtools (≥ 1.10)
  • Parallel (≥ 201807022)
  • BCFtools (≥ 1.10.2)
  • htslib (≥ 1.10.2)

Versions above have been tested. Older or newer versions may work, but could create conflicts. Suggestion is to create a virtual environment with these dependencies.


Required input are: (1) out-directory (outdir) (2) ONT long-reads (either gzip or non-compressed files will work) (3) Interleaved paired-end short-reads (either gzip or non-compressed files will work) (4) genome_size estimated genome size based on previous knowledge of species (+/- 1 Mb genome size estimate is fine for flye k-mer selection)

Note that paired-end reads MUST be interleaved for racon to work. You can interleave short-read data using the bbmap tool reformat.sh. For racon to work properly, make sure there are underscores in lieu of white-space in headers of short-read fastq files by using the underscore=t option in reformat.sh. Example command-line for reformat.sh is as follows:

$reformat.sh in1=PE_read1.fastq.gz in2=PE_read2.fastq.gz out=PEIL.fastq.gz underscore=t


Usage with Flye assembler:

$python3 flye_pipeline.py -t 2 -s sample_name -o outdir -pe interleaved_pe_reads.fastq.gz -l long_reads.fastq.gz --genome_size 5.3m -d dnaA_file.fasta

Usage for error correction of previously assembled genome:

$python3 flye_pipeline.py -t 2 -s sample_name -o outdir -x -c assembly.fasta -pe interleaved_pe_reads.fastq.gz -l long_reads.fastq.gz -d dnaA_file.fasta


Final assembly can be found in outdir_name/shortRead_polish_results/ and will be named SAMPLENAME_final.fasta

Usage tips

(1) Note that any database of genes of interest to orient contigs can be used for the purposes of orienting any linear or circular DNA structure when using the -d paramter in pipeline. For example, if assembling K. pneumoniae genomes, one can use the manually curated, database of commonly observed F-type replication initiation protein genes found in plasmids as well as the dnaA gene for K. pneumoniae in the db directory with the file name dnaA_and_plasmid_startSites.fasta.

If one wants to use --meta and --plasmid options for their flye assemblies, please use the -mp argument in the pipeline.