Cross-platform lightweight game engine. Oak is written in C++, and currently supports Android, Windows, and Browsers (through Emscripten).
Oak is licensed under the MIT license, making it usable in both free and commercial projects.
Oak's build system is based on Waf, so you need a decently recent version of Python 2.x installed.
Windows - Visual C++
From a VS command prompt:
cd build
python waf configure
python waf build_release_windows_x86_msvc
Windows - MinGW
Having the MinGW bin directory in your PATH may help ;)
cd build
python waf configure
python waf build_release_windows_x86_gcc
Linux (work in progress, not yet officially supported)
You need to install libX11-dev and libgl1-mesa-dev, then build as usual:
sudo apt-get install libX11-dev libgl1-mesa-dev
cd build
python waf configure
python waf build_release_linux_x86_gcc
You need the Android NDK installed and must specifiy its root to the configure step
cd build
python waf configure --ndk <NDK-ROOT>
python waf build_release_android9_armv7_ndk
You need LLVM + Clang + Emscripten to be installed and available in your PATH.
cd build
python waf configure
python waf build_release_browser_js_emcc
Everything, all at once
Configure can be run only once if you need to build multiple variants, so this would be valid:
cd build
python waf configure --ndk <NDK-ROOT>
python waf build_release_windows_x86_msvc
python waf build_release_windows_x86_msvc
python waf build_release_windows_x86_gcc
python waf build_release_browser_js_emcc
python waf build_release_android9_armv7_ndk