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WSO2 Data Services Server Puppet Module

This repository contains the Puppet Module for installing and configuring WSO2 Data Services Server on various environments. It supports multiple versions of WSO2 Data Services Server. Configuration data is managed using Hiera. Hiera provides a mechanism for separating configuration data from Puppet scripts and managing them in a separate set of YAML files in a hierarchical manner.

Supported Operating Systems

  • Debian 6 or higher
  • Ubuntu 12.04 or higher

Supported Puppet Versions

  • Puppet 2.7, 3 or newer

How to Contribute

Follow the steps mentioned in the wiki to setup a development environment and update/create new puppet modules.

Packs to be Copied

Copy the following files to their corresponding locations.

  1. WSO2 Data Services Server distribution (3.5.0) to <PUPPET_HOME>/modules/wso2dss/files
  2. JDK 1.7_80 distribution to <PUPPET_HOME>/modules/wso2base/files

Running WSO2 Data Services Server in the default profile

No changes to Hiera data are required to run the default profile. Copy the above mentioned files to their corresponding locations and apply the Puppet Modules.

Running WSO2 Data Services Server with clustering in specific profiles

No changes to Hiera data are required to run the distributed deployment (manager, worker) of WSO2 Data Services Server, other than pointing to the correct resources such as the deployment synchronization and remote DB instances.

  1. If the Clustering Membership Scheme is WKA, add the Well Known Address list.


    wso2::clustering :
        enabled: true
        local_member_host: "%{::ipaddress}"
        local_member_port: 4000
        membership_scheme: wka
        sub_domain: mgt
               port: 4000
               port: 4000
  2. Add external databases to master datasources


       name: WSO2_CONFIG_DB
       description: The datasource used for config registry
       driver_class_name: "%{hiera('wso2::datasources::mysql::driver_class_name')}"
       url: jdbc:mysql://
       username: "%{hiera('wso2::datasources::mysql::username')}"
       password: "%{hiera('wso2::datasources::mysql::password')}"
       jndi_config: jdbc/WSO2_CONFIG_DB
       max_active: "%{hiera('wso2::datasources::common::max_active')}"
       max_wait: "%{hiera('wso2::datasources::common::max_wait')}"
       test_on_borrow: "%{hiera('wso2::datasources::common::test_on_borrow')}"
       default_auto_commit: "%{hiera('wso2::datasources::common::default_auto_commit')}"
       validation_query: "%{hiera('wso2::datasources::mysql::validation_query')}"
       validation_interval: "%{hiera('wso2::datasources::common::validation_interval')}"
  3. Configure registry mounting


      path: /_system/config
      target_path: /_system/config/dss
      read_only: false
      registry_root: /
      enable_cache: true
      path: /_system/governance
      target_path: /_system/governance
      read_only: false
      registry_root: /
      enable_cache: true
  4. Configure deployment synchronization


        enabled: true
        auto_checkout: true
        auto_commit: true
        repository_type: svn
           url: http://svnrepo.example.com/repos/
           user: username
           password: password
           append_tenant_id: true

Running WSO2 Data Services Server with Secure Vault

WSO2 Carbon products may contain sensitive information such as passwords in configuration files. WSO2 Secure Vault provides a solution for securing such information.

Please note that WSO2 Data Services Server 3.5.0 pack doesn't have the Cipher Tool feature installed. If you need to apply Secure Vault, either use Cipher Tool Feature installed DSS pack or install it via puppet by following below steps.

  • Create a directory named lib under files/configs and add the org.wso2.ciphertool-1.0.0-wso2v3.jar file to files/configs/lib and add below entries to default.yaml file.

      - lib
      - lib/org.wso2.ciphertool-1.0.0-wso2v3.jar
  • ciphertool.sh, cipher-text.properties and cipher-tool.properties files are added as templates to DSS puppet module.

Uncomment and modify the below changes in Hiera file to apply Secure Vault.

  1. Enable Secure Vault

    wso2::enable_secure_vault: true
  2. Add Secure Vault configurations as below

        secret_alias: <secret_alias>
        secret_alias_value: <secret_alias_value>
        password: <password>


        secret_alias: Carbon.Security.KeyStore.Password
        secret_alias_value: repository/conf/carbon.xml//Server/Security/KeyStore/Password,false
        password: wso2carbon
  3. Add Cipher Tool configuration file templates to template_list

      - repository/conf/security/cipher-text.properties
      - repository/conf/security/cipher-tool.properties
      - bin/ciphertool.sh

    Please add the password-tmp template also to template_list if the vm_type is not docker when you are running the server in default platform.

Running WSO2 Data Services Server on Kubernetes

WSO2 Puppet Module ships Hiera data required to deploy WSO2 Data Services Server on Kubernetes. For more information refer to the documentation on deploying WSO2 products on Kubernetes using WSO2 Puppet Modules.