This is a Whitespace interpreter written in LOLCODE.
For science and teh lulz.
The intepreter has only been tested and confirmed operational with lci's future branch. You're a git clone -b future
away from having your own copy.
Included in this directory are a brainfuck interpreter written in Whitespace and a brainfuck implementation of ROT13 cribbed from Wikipedia. LOLCODE doesn't support command-line arguments, so the file to be executed is accepted on standard input. Thus, the pièce de résistance (C interpreting LOLCODE interpreting Whitespace interpreting brainfuck) is a little underwhelming:
lci < rot13.b
This takes a while to run (lots of agonizingly slow heap accesses), so there's also a FizzBuzz for demonstrating to the impatient that the thing does what it should. Oh, and a syntax-highlighted screenshot because pretty; I should get around to writing a Pygments lexer at some point.