
Compensating for the lack of sensible date support in Appstore's receipt verification

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Apple's documentation on the date formats of the dates returned with receipt verification is incorrect. Some parts of the documentation suggest that the format is based on RFC3339 — which it isn't. Other documentation states it's "a date-time format similar to ISO 8601" — which may sound helpful, but it isn't as it's not quite the same.

That's annoying. Especially if you want to validate if the data that is getting returned is meeting your expectations so that you can parse it.

This library provides an extension of Joi adding support stating that the format is like RFC3339 — but not quite it.


npm install joi-rfc3339ish
yarn add joi-rfc3339ish
const Joi = require('@hapi/joi').extend('joi-rfc3339ish');

const schema = Joi.object().keys({
  date: Joi.rfc3339ish(),

// Throws
Joi.attempt({ date: '2018-11-13 16:46:31' }, schema);

// Does not throw
const validated = Joi.attempt({ date: '2018-11-13 16:46:31 Etc/GMT' }, schema);
validated.date; // A Moment.js moment with the timezone set correctly.


Is this helpful? Perhaps not. It turns out that the majority of the frameworks are using the _ms version of dates also included in the payloads returned by the Appstore. But if you were ever aiming for a complete Joi schema defining the payloads returned by Apple, you might still find this helpful.