Simple react.js starter project based off of Andrew Farmer's excellent tutorial. I recommend you check it out if any of the source files here are confusing to you. I've made a few changes to convert some of the source to ES6 that the original tutorial had written in ES5.
This version of the project adds hot module replacement as a convenience. The original used autorefresh, which is something that becomes tedious in a real app. You can verify that the HMR tooling is working by looking in your browser's console.
Start the development server with this command:
npm start
npm install
npm run compile
- Set up another repo with more common functionality added: CSS processor, Routing, Redux, Server Rendering, Database (Mongo) connectivity, Image sizing processor, autoprefixer.
- Needs LESS support. Working with straight CSS is painful after you've worked with LESS or SASS.
- Needs routing support. I'm surprised this wasn't included in this bare-bones template. Any app without it is pretty useless.
- Separation of concerns. The application should have some logical splits across files. The single main.js file here isn't sufficient for a real application.