Laser Cutter Setup for Ablation of Microwells in PDMS

See accompanying journal article for more information: DOI: 10.1039/C5RA26022A

A modified laser cutter platform for ablating microwells into PDMS
Miller Lab: Physiological Systems Engineering and Advanced Materials
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We have custom modified a commercial SeeMeCNC laser cutter to selectively ablate microwell structures in PDMS. Using the modified laser cutter and our python scripts, you can print hexagonally packed arrays of microwells.


This git repository includes:

  • STL files for 3D printing custom parts for the laser cutter
  • Current Marlin firmware (modified Marlin for laser cutters courtesy of Tim Schmidt, Lansing-Maker-Network)
  • Python scripts for G-code creation
  • Wiring Diagram for electronics configuation (based on RAMBo electronics)
  • Instructions for operating the laser cutter
  • Bill of Materials


The initial influence for using a laser cutter to ablate conical microwells comes from Roger Kamm's group at MIT:

Tu, Ting-Yuan, et al. "Rapid prototyping of concave microwells for the formation of 3D multicellular cancer aggregates for drug screening." Advanced healthcare materials 3.4 (2014): 609-616.

Tim Schmidt from the Lansing Makers Network developed the custom Marlin firmware for controlling a laser cutter.