
Ansible Role to install OpenDJ

MIT LicenseMIT

Role Name

Ansible role to install OpenDJ LDAP v3 server.

This role downloads and installs the latest nightly build of OpenDJ. If you prefer to install a stable release, or if for some reason the nightly build is not available, you must download a copy of the OpenDJ zip file and update the variable opendj_url in defaults/main.yml to a location where the guest can access the zip file. Alternatively, you can copy the OpenDJ zip file to the download_dir location.


Requires Java SDK (1.7 or later) installed on the target.

This role requires ansible 1.4 or higher

Role Variables

Default Variables (see defaults/main.yml for a more complete list)

  • install_root (/opt). Where OpenDJ will be installed
  • opendj_url. A URL where the OpenDJ can be downloaded from. Defaults to the ForgeRock Jenkins server.
  • download_dir (/var/tmp/) . Where the OpenDJ binary is downloaded to
  • opendj_ldap_port (389) LDAP port to listen on
  • opendj_ldaps_port (636). LDAP SSL port to listen on
  • opendj_admin_port (4444). Admin port
  • opendj_jmx_port: (1689). JMX monitoring port
  • opendj_basedn (dc=example,dc=com). The default base DN for the directory
  • opendj_service_name (opendj). The name of the service for starting/stopping OpenDJ


Configure two instances of OpenDJ on the same server (different ports)

- hosts: ldap
      - { role: opendj, install_root: "/opt/a" }
      - { role: opendj, install_root: "/opt/b", opendj_admin_port: 1444, opendj_ldap_port: 2389,
          opendj_ldaps_port: 2636 , opendj_jmx_port: 2689, opendj_service_name: "opendj2" }





Author Information

Warren Strange.