
A parser for numbers in Italian format (i.e. 1.234.567,89) made with Nimble Parsec

Primary LanguageElixir


Parse numbers in Italian format and returns the equivalent native value.

Italian locale uses , as decimal separator and . as thousands separator and numbers look like this 1.234.567,89.

The implementation also recognize numbers written in scientific notation with positive and negative exponents like 1.234,12e-1 or 1.234,12e2 or 1.234,12e+2.

The same style is used in the following countries: Argentina, Austria, Belgium (Dutch), Bosnia and Herzegovina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Croatia, Denmark, Germany, Greece, Indonesia, Italy, Netherlands, Romania, Slovenia, Spain, Turkey and Vietnam.

I wrote this parser mainly as an excercise to learn how to use the Nimble Parsec library.



Returns {:ok, number} in case of success or {:error, reason} if the parser can't make sense of the input.

iex> NumberParser.parse("89")
{:ok, 89}

iex> NumberParser.parse("89,91")
{:ok, 89.91}

iex> NumberParser.parse("89.000")
{:ok, 89000}

iex> NumberParser.parse("89.000,12")
{:ok, 89000.12}

iex> NumberParser.parse("89.000,12e1")
{:ok, 890001.2}

iex> NumberParser.parse("-89.000,12e1")
{:ok, -890001.2}

iex> NumberParser.parse("+89.000,12e1")
{:ok, 890001.2}

iex> NumberParser.parse("-89.000,12e-1")
{:ok, -8900.012}

iex> NumberParser.parse("89.91")
{:error, "invalid number format 89.91"}


If available in Hex, the package can be installed by adding parse_it_num to your list of dependencies in mix.exs:

def deps do
    {:number_parser, "~> 0.1.0"}

Documentation can be generated with ExDoc and published on HexDocs. Once published, the docs can be found at https://hexdocs.pm/parse_it_num.