
This is a fractal generator using JavaFX. It should run on any platform with JDK16.

Primary LanguageJava


Java FX Fractal Generator

Uses JDK16 Records for performance, and thus requires JDK16 in order to compile and run.



  • Click-to-Center (left-click in order to center the viewport on the left-clicked part of the fractal)

  • Panning (w,a,s,d)

  • Zooming (scroll-wheel)

  • Color Shading

  • Resizable

  • Multi-Threaded - Uses both chunking and multi-threading to render quickly.

  • Dynamic Class Loading

    • Create your own modules providing org.wswright.fractal.lib.IFractalEquation, and JFX-Fractal will pick them up automatically. See the jfx-fractal-lib project for details.

Project Genesis

The following Maven command was used to generate the initial structure of this project:

  • mvn archetype:generate \ -DarchetypeGroupId=org.openjfx \ -DarchetypeArtifactId=javafx-archetype-simple \ -DarchetypeVersion=0.0.3 \ -DgroupId=org.openjfx \ -DartifactId=sample \ -Dversion=1.0.0 \ -Djavafx-version=15.0.1


Interested in contributing? Drop me a line @ cpress.scott@gmail.com, or send a pull request.

Latest Project Screenshots

  • 06/02/2021 Screenshot
  • 05/22/2021 Screenshot
  • 05/08/2021 Screenshot

Design Diagrams

  • 02/18/2022 Class Layout Class Layout