

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Fish Design 网易云商服UI组件库

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Fish Design is an enterprise-class UI component library which based on React, helps designers and developers quickly build systems.


  • Babel with ES6
  • Hot reloading
  • Testing
  • Linting
  • Working example app

Initial Machine Setup

  • Install Node.js

  • (Optional)Install taobao NPM image

    $ npm install -g cnpm --registry=https://registry.npm.taobao.org


npm install ppfish --save


import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import { Button } from 'ppfish';

  <Button type="primary">Primary</Button>, document.getElementById('app')


Install npm(or cnpm) package

$ npm install

Start development in your default browser

$ npm start

Open your browser and visit


Build scripts ``````and css etc.

$ npm run build

Build site

$ npm run build:site


The directory structure

├── /coverage/                        # 运行npm run test:cover输出的测试覆盖率文件
├── /dist/                            # 构建输出的文件,使用全局变量方式引用,可用于发布到CDN
├── /es/                              # 构建输出的文件,使用ES Module规范引用,可用于tree shaking优化
├── /lib/                             # 构建输出的文件,使用commonjs规范引用
├── /node_modules/                    # 第三方类库和工具
├── /site/                            # 页面入口文件
| ├── /assets                         # css、images等资源
| ├── /componentsPage                 # 组件库官网markdown
| ├── /docs                           # 组件库官网markdown
| ├── /locales                        # 本地化文案
| ├── /pages                          # 组件库官网页面入口
| ├── /static                         # 组件库官网Demo使用的icon
| ├── /styles                         # 组件库官网页面样式
| ├── /index.html                     # 组件库官网html模板
| └── /index.js                       # 组件库官网入口文件
├── /source/                          # 应用源码
│ ├── /assets/                        # 可编译静态资源文件
│ ├── /components/                    # React components
│ ├── /constants/                     # 常量配置文件
│ └── /utils/                         # 工具函数
├── /tools/                           # 项目运行脚本
├── .babelrc                          # babel配置文件, https://babeljs.io/docs/usage/babelrc/
├── .editorconfig                     # 代码风格配置文件, http://editorconfig.org
├── .eslintignore                     # eslint配置文件, http://eslint.cn/docs/user-guide/configuring
├── .eslintrc                         # eslint配置文件, http://eslint.cn/docs/user-guide/configuring
├── .gitignore                        # git配置文件, https://help.github.com/articles/ignoring-files/
├── .npmignore                        # npm配置文件,配置不需要发布到npm仓库的文件黑名单列表
├── .stylelintignore                  # stylelint配置文件
├── .stylelintrc                      # stylelint配置文件
├── jets.config.js                    # jest配置文件
├── package.json                      # 配置入口文件地址、依赖和 scripts
├── postcss.config.js                 # postcss配置文件, https://github.com/postcss/postcss-loader
├── README.md                         # readme
├── tsconfig.json                     # TypeScript配置文件
├── webpack.config.dev.site.js        # 文档网站本地开发编译配置
├── webpack.config.prod.components.js # 组件源码生产环境编译配置
└── webpack.config.prod.site.js       # 文档网站生产环境编译配置

Coding styles

  • javascript: use eslint:recommended, see https://eslint.org/docs/rules/ and /site/docs/ESLint规则清单.md for more details
  • directory、html、css、js: named using hump form
  • react component and react container: named using hump form and uppercase characters at the beginning
  • test file: named with Component + .test + .js format
  • Less: use stylelint:recommended,see /site/docs/LESS代码规范.md for more details