
Original repo : https://github.com/madvirus/spring5fs

Primary LanguageJava


Java Spring Gradle

Original repo : madvirus/spring5fs

I used the following tools:

  • OpenJDK 16.0.2
  • Gradle 7.4.2
  • Apache Tomcat 9.0.64
  • MySQL 8.0

Getting started

To run this web application, use the following commands:

git clone https://github.com/wtchrs/spring5-example
cd spring5-example
./gradlew build

And create a MySQL table:

mysql -h localhost -u root  # or with password, mysql -h localhost -u root -p
mysql> source src/sql/ddl.sql

It will generate MySQL user spring5 with password spring5 and database spring5fs and table MEMBER in spring5fs. Alternatively, you can use different database settings by modifying the profile(src/main/resources/profile/db.dev.properties) or create a new profile.

And copy the generated war archive into webapps folder in your Apache Tomcat directory:

cp ./build/libs/spring5-example-1.0.war ${YOUR_TOMCAT_DIRECTORY}/webapps/
./bin/startup.sh  # or ./bin/startup.bat

Now, you can access the application in a browser with the following url: http://localhost:8080/spring5-example-1.0/