
Django Development with batteries included

Primary LanguagePython


virtual django development (batteries included!)

This project is a customized version of torchbox/vagrant-django-template with extra features out of the box and designed to quickly deploy projects to DigitalOcean.

One-command first-deploy to DigitalOcean

  1. Open deploy.py
  2. Set the DIGITALOCEAN_TOKEN setting to a valid DigitalOcean Personal Access Token with read permissions.
  3. Optionally edit any other setting to customize the droplet that will be created.
  4. Run fab first-deploy. This will create the droplet, deploy your code, and set up NGINX and Gunicorn. This command will also output your site's IP address.
  5. Add that IP address to fabfile.py.

fab deploy

  1. From then on, run fab deploy to update your site on the droplet.

Feature Overview

  • Pre-configured Fabfile for deploying via Git.
  • One-command first deploy to a DigitalOcean droplet.
  • Vagrantfile for building an Ubuntu Precise based VM
  • virtualenv (configured to be active on login), with project dependencies managed through a requirements.txt file
  • A PostgreSQL database (with the same name as the project, pre-configured in the project settings file)
  • Separation of configuration settings into base.py, dev.py and production.py (and optionally local.py, kept outside of version control)
  • django-devserver, django-compressor, django-debug-toolbar
  • django-bootstrap3, grappelli, django-braces, django-extensions, and pytz out of the box


Install Django 1.7 on your host machine. (Be sure to explicitly uninstall earlier versions first, or use a virtualenv - having earlier versions around seems to cause pre-1.4-style settings.py and urls.py files to be generated alongside the new ones.)

To start a new project, run the following commands:

django-admin.py startproject --template https://github.com/kokeshii/unchained/zipball/master --name=Vagrantfile myproject
cd myproject
vagrant up
vagrant ssh
  (then, within the SSH session:)
./manage.py runserver

This will make the app accessible on the host machine as http://localhost:8111/ . The codebase is located on the host machine, exported to the VM as a shared folder; code editing and Git operations will generally be done on the host.