
Wrap Polymur-Hash for Swift

Primary LanguageCMIT LicenseMIT



  • Declare dependency in Package.swift, Package(...,:
    • dependencies:
      • .package(url: "https://github.com/wti/SwiftPolymurHash.git", from: "0.0.1")
    • targets: [ .target(..., dependencies:
      • [.product(name: "PolymurHash", package: "SwiftPolymurHash")]
  • Code
  • The tweak value provides some pseudo-variance to avoid hash attacks
    • But you can set it to zero or the same value to reproduce hashes
  • It uses 5 UInt64's of state per hasher (including the default tweak value)

Warning: combining with Swift's hasher isn't easy and may not be wise

  • Swift is not amenable to extrinsic hashing
    • Hashable.hashValue is deprecated
    • Hasher has no API for extrinsic values
  • There are no guarantees that polymur hashes will combine well with Swift hashes
  • Consider restricting usage for Hashable to top-level types
  • See SE-206


  • polymur-hash.h is manually copied from its source repository
    • also demo.c is from main.c, with main function renamed
    • Update PolymurHash.VERSION in swift when updating sources
  • Compiling: 2 known warnings
    • test code deprecation for Hashable.hashValue
    • c code Implicit conversion loses integer precision
  • Linking
    • No need to link with m (math) library on Linux, et al?
      • linkerSettings: [.linkedLibrary("m", .when(platforms: [.linux]))]
  • Testing
    • TODO: verify swift compiler reduces to same/similar assembly as clang


  • Copyright authors, All Rights Reserved
  • polymur-hash is subject to its license and copyright
  • This wrapper project is released under an MIT license.