
dotfiles to configure a machine to my liking

Primary LanguageShellGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

dot files

This project contains a collection of configuration files to setup a Linux system to my liking. Altough it may also work for other systems, these configurations are only tested on Debian and Arch Linux.


In your $HOME do

git clone <this-repo> . 

Necessary manual steps

The following steps are necessary to make certain tools work as intended. In the future they may be automated. (famous last words of a programmer)

keyboard layout

The german keyboards have a somewhat necessary annoyance that to get any of the 3 characters ````, ^ or ~ you need to press the key twice (or follow it up with a space). That's to allow the typing of accented characters like ã. To disable that behaviour you may choose the layout ".. no dead keys".

clone base16

git clone https://github.com/chriskempson/base16-shell.git ~/.config/base16-shell


  1. Clone zplug

    git clone https://github.com/zplug/zplug .zplug
  2. Install all zsh plugins if this was not already done automatically

    zplug install 
  3. Change to your prefered theme (my choice: solarflare)



Either use a version of vi compiled with the flags that supports the inline windows coc uses (nox vim) or use neovim.

  1. download https://github.com/junegunn/vim-plug and copy it to either ~/.vim/autoload (normal vim) or ~/.config/nvim/autload

  2. Install all vim plugins

  3. Adapt the theme if required. If you chose material-darker you may want to change color08 / Bright Black to "90/90/90" to make comments etc more visible. File to adapt: $HOME/.config/base16-shell/scripts/base16- .sh

vim cheatsheet

char(s) effect
% find the next item in this line after or under the cursor and jump to its match.
C like d$a, delete to end of like then insert
10j move 10 lines down
10G goto line 10
CTRL-w j switch window to down (like hjkl)
* OR # while * is select word and go to next one, # is backwards
CTRL-y OR scroll screen 1 line up / down
"+y yank selected text to system register (available to CTRL-V)
gt OR gT change tab
,o open file search (Plugin)
CTRL-t open selection from search in new tab
:tab help open help in other tab
/ OR ? search forward or backwards. n and N repeat forward backwards
m[a-z] mark a position within a file
m[A-Z] mark a position globally
' jump to beginning of line of mark
```` (1x) jump to mark
:delm a delete mark a

haskell neovim integration

  1. make sure you have ghcup installed (https://www.haskell.org/ghcup/)
  2. install nodejs
  3. install npm/yarn
  4. in vim do :CocInstall coc-json


  1. If you choose a dark system theme you may have to change meld to a dark color scheme aswell (my choice: Solarized-Dark)


Feel free to create a pull request.


This project is released under the GPLv3 license.