
Primary LanguageHTMLGNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0


Because of the server, joytou.github.io has moved from joytou.github.io to JOYTOU. And no longer supported for joytou.github.io, but you can still use it as a blog template.


JOYTOU(http://joytou.net.cn) is a BootStrap blog template developed by Joytou Wu. You can create your blog by forking or copying this project. JOYTOU works fine with Git. You can use Coding、GitHub、BitBucket、GitLab as your Git repository. JOYTOU is free and you can change it to suit your theme.


Directory 目录 目錄
English 简体中文 繁體中文
Introduction 概述  概述
Features 功能特色  功能特色
Native Server 服务版本  服務版本
File directories 文件目录  文件目錄
Configurations 配置  配置
Writting article 写文章  寫文章
License 许可协议  許可協議



JOYTOU(http://joytou.nets.hk) is a BootStrap blog template developed by Joytou Wu. You can create your blog by forking or copying this project. JOYTOU works fine with Git. You can use Coding、GitHub、BitBucket、GitLab as your Git repository. JOYTOU is free and you can change it to suit your theme. But no matter what, you must keep the copyright.


  1. BootStrap style
  2. Blog basic functions
  3. Top navigation bar
  4. Automatically generate Sitemap.xml
  5. View the article by date, category, tag, etc.
  6. The important articles can be placed at the top
  7. Article sharing
  8. Multi-language
  9. Article comment
  10. Global search
  11. JQuery responsive design

Native Server

Clone from github.com:

  • Clone with SSH:
git clone git@github.com:joytou/joytou.github.io.git
  • Clone with HTTPS:
git clone https://github.com/joytou/joytou.github.io.git


in _config.yml:

Key Value Annotation
email 1540294142@qq.com Your e-mail address
author Joytou Wu The article author's name
url http://joytou.nets.hk Your site address, and do not add / in the end
github https://github.com/joytou/ Your github account address
github_username joytou Your github account name
repo joytou.github.io Your repository name
owner_name joytou The site owner name
description --- Your site description
keywords --- Your site keywords, and it must listted as array
remind BOOL Whether to remind you to upgrade the latest version when there is the latest version.
BaiduSiteVerification --- The string of Baidu Site Verification. If you didn't have, left it blank.
51la --- The String of 51.la statistic's id. If you didn't have, left it blank.
51lamb --- The style of 51.la statistic's data reference.

Please refer to the official website for other variables.

in each /_data/(languages code).yml:

Key Value Annotation
sitename JOYTOU Your site name
sitesubname An amateur programmer who loves to sit around and refuse to rest! Your site subname
sitedescription This blog template build by builder from style Your site descriphtion(please keeping the string: 'builder', 'style')
siteabout JOYTOU was done by me (Joytou). If you like this template, you can subsidize me a little. Writting something about your site or yourself(yourselves)

Writting article

post format:

layout: post 

title:  test       
#article title 

date:   2015-04-05 08:00:00 +0800     
#publish date 

nav: post     

stickie: true         
#Make the article stick to the top if true 

category: official         
#the category for the article 

tags: [log, bootstrap, joytou]     
#the tags for the article, it should be a array 
* content 

Summary Content
#Summary content. 

<!-- more --> 

Article mainly content
#Writting the article here. 


By using the Service, you agree to comply with all the terms of this Agreement.



JOYTOU(http://joytou.nets.hk) 是一款由Joytou Wu基于Bootstrap开发的博客模板。您可以通过fork或者复制本项目进行创建您的博客。JOYTOU集成了Git代码版本控制,用户可以选择 Coding、GitHub、BitBucket、GitLab 等任意的代码仓库。JOYTOU是免费的,您可以更改以适应您的主题。但不管如何您务必保留相关版权。


  1. BootStrap样式
  2. 博客基本功能
  3. 顶部导航栏
  4. 自动Sitemap.xml
  5. 通过日期、类别、标签等分类文章
  6. 重要文章可置顶
  7. 文章分享
  8. 多语言
  9. 文章评论
  10. 全局搜索
  11. JQuery响应式设计



  • 用SSH克隆:
git clone git@github.com:joytou/joytou.github.io.git
  • 用HTTPS克隆:
git clone https://github.com/joytou/joytou.github.io.git



email 1540294142@qq.com 您的电子邮件地址
author Joytou Wu 文章作者名称
url http://joytou.nets.hk 您的网址,末尾不能加上 /
github https://github.com/joytou/ 您的Github用户地址
github_username joytou 您的Github用户名
repo joytou.github.io 您的repository名字
owner_name joytou 网站所有者名字
description --- 网站的描述
keywords --- 网站的关键词,必须以数组形式列出
remind BOOL 是否提醒可升级新版本
BaiduSiteVerification --- 百度网站的验证码。如果没有,请留空白
51la --- 51.la网站的统计id。如果没有,请留空白
51lamb --- 51.la数据引用的样式


各个 /_data/(语言代码).yml 文件:

sitename JOYTOU 您的网站名称
sitesubname 一个热爱折腾、不肯休息的业余程序员! 您的网站副名称
sitedescription 此博客模板由builder通过style创建 您的网站描述(请保留字符串:'builder'、'style')
siteabout JOYTOU是由我(Joytou)单独完成的。如果您喜欢此模板,可以对此模板小额资助。 一些关于您的网站或者您(们)的信息



layout: post 

title:  test       

date:   2015-04-05 08:00:00 +0800     

nav: post     

stickie: true         

category: official         

tags: [log, bootstrap, joytou]     
* content 

Summary Content

<!-- more --> 

Article mainly content





JOYTOU(http://joytou.nets.hk) 是一款由Joytou Wu基於Bootstrap開發的博客模板。您可以通過fork或者復製本項目進行創建您的博客。 JOYTOU集成了Git代碼版本控制,用戶可以選擇 Coding、GitHub、BitBucket、GitLab 等任意的代碼倉庫。 JOYTOU是免費的,您可以更改以適應您的主題。但不管如何您務必保留相關版權。


  1. BootStrap樣式
  2. 博客基本功能
  3. 頂部導航欄
  4. 自動Sitemap.xml
  5. 通過日期、類別、標籤等分類文章
  6. 重要文章可置頂
  7. 文章分享
  8. 多語言
  9. 文章評論
  10. 全局搜索
  11. JQuery響應式設計



  • 用SSH克隆: git clone git@github.com:joytou/joytou.github.io.git

  • 用HTTPS克隆: git clone https://github.com/joytou/joytou.github.io.git



email 1540294142@qq.com 您的電子郵件地址
author Joytou Wu 文章作者名稱
url http://joytou.nets.hk 您的網址,末尾不能加上 /
github https://github.com/joytou/ 您的Github用戶地址
github_username joytou 您的Github用戶名
repo joytou.github.io 您的repository名字
owner_name joytou 網站所有者名字
description --- 網站的描述
keywords --- 網站的關鍵詞,必須以數組形式列出
remind BOOL 是否提醒可升級新版本
BaiduSiteVerification --- 百度網站的驗證碼。如果沒有,請留空白
51la --- 51.la網站的統計id。如果沒有,請留空白
51lamb --- 51.la數據引用的樣式


各個 /_data/(語言代碼).yml 文件:

sitename JOYTOU 您的網站名稱
sitesubname 一個熱愛折騰、不肯休息的業餘程序員! 您的網站副名稱
sitedescription 此博客模板由builder通過style創建 您的網站描述(請保留字符串:'builder'、'style')
siteabout JOYTOU是由我(Joytou)單獨完成的。如果您喜歡此模板,可以對此模板小額資助。 一些關於您的網站或者您(們)的信息


post format:

layout: post 

title:  test       

date:   2015-04-05 08:00:00 +0800     

nav: post     

stickie: true         

category: official         

tags: [log, bootstrap, joytou]     
* content 

Summary Content

<!-- more --> 

Article mainly content

