
A group project developed in Angular, more description to come!

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Here's our Rubric, we have chosen the movie option.


Task: Use The Movie DB API to build an Angular app for searching and saving movies.

API: https://www.themoviedb.org/documentation/api

Build Specifications

  1. Allow users to filter movies based on at least three criteria (e.g.: rating, genre, length). genre: checkboxes to include/exclude movies length & rating - scrollbars and input fields

  2. Display movies that match the user’s selected criteria. watchlist page - this functinality has been achieved in search2 branch

  3. Allow users to select individual movies to see more details. we show/hide the movie synopsis by use of ngShow/ngHide, perhaps more information should be given?

  4. Allow users to mark moves from the results for a watchlist. watchlist array that is built from user selction - in the service

  5. Include a separate route where users can a. See a list of movies they’ve marked for the watchlist this has been achieved with watchlist tab b. Select individual movies to see more details "More Details" link on the posts which populate a page with all the movie specific data c. Remove items from the watchlist Achieved on search2 w/ watchlist.

  6. Do not implement log in. Built as if a user is already logged in. completely ignore this point?

  7. Use at least three components: a. searchCriteria the criteria selection b. movieList for the list of results c. watchlistPage for the watchlist route

  8. Must have a good user experience on desktop browsers. Mobile styling is not required. check - don't use this on mobile

Wishlist: scrollbars, more params (search box?) can't really do the search box, query uses search branch, our app uses discover for the params
