
Example Image Creator for EFI blscfg Fedora or EL8

Primary LanguageShell

Example Image Installer for aarch64 EFI blscfg with Fedora 31 or CentOS 8

Build Procedure

  1. https://alt.fedoraproject.org/cloud/ Install Fedora 30 aarch64. "arm64 AMIs" -> "Click to launch" has a convenient image to launch on AWS.
  2. dnf system-upgrade download --refresh --releasever=31
  3. dnf system-upgrade reboot upgrade to Fedora 31
  4. setenforce 0 to workaround https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1736803
  5. git clone https://github.com/wtogami/example-efi-blscfg-imagecreator.git
  6. cd example-efi-blscfg-imagecreator
  7. IMPORTANT Add your ssh pubkey to include/debug-ssh-pubkeys.ksi as this is your only way to login!
  8. IMPORTANT dnf update prior to image creation. Your selinux-policy-targeted must match the version to be installed in the image or creation will likely fail. For this reason this image creator is unable to install EL8 with selinux labeling.
  9. Follow examples below
# ./createimage.sh 

   ./createimage.sh <KICKSTARTFILE>

   ./createimage.sh hbp-fedora31.ks
   ./createimage.sh hbp-el8.ks