Vislab XR Tutorial

In this tutorial, we will briefly work through the basic XR development using Unity3D, XR Interaction Toolkit, and AR foundation.


We will implement a mobile AR treasure hunting game. The goal of the game is to find a hidden treasure in the reality.


  1. computer with Unity version 2021.3.13 lts (macOS must be used to build app for iOS) and empty space > 2gb
    1. Unity Hub
    2. Make sure the build tool for Android or iOS is installed
  2. A mobile device (tablet or phone) with > 1gb empty space (iOS devices are more prefered)
  3. usb that can connect your mobile devices and computer
  4. code editor (visual studio is preferred, could be installed together with Unity)
  5. web browser to download the skeleton code

Task -1: Create a new project using Unity Hub

The first step is to creat a new project using Unity Hub. Fortunately, we have already prepared this template code with the necessary package installed (i.e., XR Interaction Toolkit and AR foundation). You may just simply download or clone this repository to your local computer. Then open the downloaded or cloned folder using Unity Hub.

Task 0: Setup a scene in Unity

Scenes are the containers of the virtual worlds. Objects are included inside a scene. Therefore, the thing to begin with is to setup the scene. We are going to setup walls based on the seating plan of the UC 101.

  1. Create a new scene by clicking File -> New Scene
  2. Drag the UC floor plan image into the scene from the Assets folder
  3. Set the scale of the floor plan to x: 1.5 y: 1.5 z: 1.5
  4. Set the rotation of X to 90

Now, we have a floor plan in the scene. Next, we are going to setup the walls.

  1. Locate the seats 5 and 6 in the floor plan. We should be able to find that the size of the seats are 1340 and 2785. We will use these numbers to setup the walls.
  2. Create a new Cube object by clicking GameObject -> 3D Object -> Cube
  3. In XR development, the convenational unit is meter. Therefore, we need to convert the pixel size to meter size. We can use the following formula to convert the pixel size to meter size.
  4. Resize the cube to x: 0.03 y: 1.34 z: 1.34.
  5. Repeat the step 2 and 3 to create the remaining cubes, until the seats 5 and 6 are covered.
  6. Move the cubes to the correct position. You may need to adjust the scale of the cubes to fit the seats.

Since the time is limited, we will not setup the remaining walls. However, you may try to setup the remaining walls by yourself. We have already provided the scene with the walls setup. You may now open the scene Part1 from the Assets\Scenes folder.

Note that we have added some Out Zone objects in the scene. These objects are used to prevent the player from moving outside the room. You may need to adjust the scale and position of these objects to fit the room.

Task 1: Create the treasure

The first thing to do is to create the treasure. We will create a treasure using a 3D model. We have already provided a 3D model of the treasure in the Assets\3D Models folder.

  1. Drag the treasure model into the scene
  2. Move the treasure to a suitable position (just pick your favorite seat)
  3. Make sure the treasure is hidden inside a seat

Now you should be able to see the treasure in the scene. You may refer to the Part2 scene in the Assets\Scenes folder.

Task 2: Randomize spwaning the treasure to a seat

To increase the difficulty of the game, we will randomize the spawning of the treasure. We will use the Random class to generate a random number. The random number will be used to select a seat to spawn the treasure.

  1. Create a new C# Script by clicking Assets -> Create -> C# Script

  2. Rename the script to TreasureSpawner

  3. Open the script using the code editor

  4. Add the following code to the script

    using System.Collections;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using UnityEngine;
    public class TreasureSpawner : MonoBehaviour
        public GameObject treasure;
        public GameObject[] seats;
        // Start is called before the first frame update
        void Start()
            int index = Random.Range(0, seats.Length);
            GameObject seat = seats[index];
            Vector3 position = seat.transform.position;
            position.y += 0.1f;
            Quaternion quaternion = Quaternion.Euler(new Vector3(-90, 0, 0));
            Instantiate(treasure, position, quaternion);
  5. Create a new Empty object by clicking GameObject -> Create Empty

  6. Rename the object to TreasureSpawner

  7. Attach the script to the TreasureSpawner object in the scene

  8. Drag the treasure object from Assets\3D Models into the treasure field in the inspector

  9. Delete the treasure_chest object in the scene

  10. Create a new Empty object by clicking GameObject -> Create Empty

  11. Rename the object to Seat

  12. Repeat steps 9 and 10 to create all seats

  13. Drag all seats into the seats field in the inspector

Now, you should be able to see the treasure is randomly spawned to a seat when you press the play button in the Unity editor. You may refer to the Part3 scene in the Assets\Scenes folder.

Task 3: Create the AR player

The next thing to do is to create the AR player. We will use the XR Interaction Toolkit to create the AR player. The XR Interaction Toolkit is a package that provides a set of tools to create XR applications. The XR Interaction Toolkit provides a set of prefabs that can be used to create the AR player.

  1. Create a new AR Session and AR Session Origin from GameObject -> XR
  2. Position the AR Session Origin to any position in the scene. It should be the starting position of the player when they open the app

Task 4: Interact with the treasure

Finally, we are going to implement the interaction with the treasure. We will use the XR Interaction Toolkit to implement the interaction. The XR Interaction Toolkit provides a set of prefabs that can be used to create the interaction.

  1. Attach AR Gesture Interactor to the AR Session Origin object

  2. Drag the 3D model of the treasure into the scene

  3. Attach AR Selection Interactable to the treasure

  4. Drag the treasure object from the scene to the Asset folder

  5. Update the treasure field in the TreasureSpawner script to the treasure object in the Asset folder

  6. Update the following code to the TreasureSpawner script

    using System.Collections;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using UnityEngine;
    public class TreasureSpawner : MonoBehaviour
        public GameObject treasure;
        public GameObject[] seats;
        private GameObject spawnedTreasure;
        private int spawnedIndex = -1;
        // Start is called before the first frame update
        void Start() {
        public void RespwanTreasure(SelectEnterEventArgs arg0) {
            if (spawnedTreasure != null) {
            int index = Random.Range(0, seats.Length);
            while (spawnedIndex == index) {
                index = Random.Range(0, seats.Length);
            GameObject seat = seats[index];
            spawnedIndex = index;
            Vector3 position = seat.transform.position;
            position.y += 0.1f;
            Quaternion quaternion = Quaternion.Euler(new Vector3(-90, 0, 0));
            spawnedTreasure = Instantiate(treasure, position, quaternion);
  7. Update the Interactable Events in the inspector of the treasure

  8. Drag the TreasureSpawner object into the On Select Entered field

  9. Select the Respwan Treasure method in the TreasureSpawner object

Now, you should be able to see the treasure is respawned to a new seat when you select the treasure. You may refer to the Part4 scene in the Assets\Scenes folder.

Task 5: Build the app

Lastly, we are going to build the app.

  1. Click File -> Build Settings

    1. Click Switch Platform and select Android
    2. Select Player Setting
    3. Uncheck Auto Graphics API
    4. Remove Vulkan from the Graphics APIs list (if it is there)
    5. Change the Minimum API Level to Android 7.0 Nougat (API Level 24)
    6. Change the Scripting Backend to IL2CPP
    7. Add ARM64 to the Target Architectures list
    1. Click Switch Platform and select iOS
    2. Select Player Setting
    3. Add a message to the Camera Usage Description field (e.g. This app requires camera access to scan the treasure)
  2. Click XR Plugin Management

  3. Click Android => ARCore or iOS => ARKit

  4. Click Build And Run

Task 6: Enhance the app

Now, you have completed the tutorial. You can try to enhance the app by adding more features. For example, you can add a timer to the game. You can also add a score system to the game. You can also add a leaderboard to the game.

For AR, you can try to make the wall transparent. You can also try to add some hints to the game. You can also try to add some sound effects to the game.

For AR interaction, you can try to add more interaction to the world. For example, you can add a button to the world to open the treasure. You can also add a button to the world to respawn the treasure.


In this tutorial, you have learned how to create an AR treasure hunt game using Unity and AR Foundation. You have also learned how to use the XR Interaction Toolkit to create the AR player and the interaction with the treasure. You have also learned how to build the app for Android and iOS.