
build-docker-images ci-setup job succeeds even when docker build fails

Closed this issue · 3 comments

For example: https://gitlab.internal.sanger.ac.uk/hgi/hgi-systems/-/jobs/119206

It looks like this run ran out of space while building mercury/om and failed:

E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)

But then it proceeded to go ahead and push the old cached version to docker hub (note that all layers already existed):

Built: {<thriftybuilder.build_configurations.DockerBuildConfiguration object at 0x7fb9ba5b2b00>: 'mercury/om', <thriftybuilder.build_configurations.DockerBuildConfiguration object at 0x7fb9ba5d11d0>: 'mercury/pao'}
Uploading mercury/om (tag=None) to docker.io
{'status': 'The push refers to a repository [docker.io/mercury/om]'}
{'status': 'Preparing', 'progressDetail': {}, 'id': '34294d7703b6'}
{'status': 'Preparing', 'progressDetail': {}, 'id': '86135541ebd5'}
{'status': 'Preparing', 'progressDetail': {}, 'id': '743b61fc03a0'}
{'status': 'Preparing', 'progressDetail': {}, 'id': '8600ee70176b'}
{'status': 'Preparing', 'progressDetail': {}, 'id': '2bbb3cec611d'}
{'status': 'Preparing', 'progressDetail': {}, 'id': 'd2bb1fc88136'}
{'status': 'Preparing', 'progressDetail': {}, 'id': 'a6a01ad8b53f'}
{'status': 'Preparing', 'progressDetail': {}, 'id': '833649a3e04c'}
{'status': 'Waiting', 'progressDetail': {}, 'id': 'd2bb1fc88136'}
{'status': 'Waiting', 'progressDetail': {}, 'id': 'a6a01ad8b53f'}
{'status': 'Waiting', 'progressDetail': {}, 'id': '833649a3e04c'}
{'status': 'Layer already exists', 'progressDetail': {}, 'id': '2bbb3cec611d'}
{'status': 'Layer already exists', 'progressDetail': {}, 'id': '8600ee70176b'}
{'status': 'Layer already exists', 'progressDetail': {}, 'id': '86135541ebd5'}
{'status': 'Layer already exists', 'progressDetail': {}, 'id': '743b61fc03a0'}
{'status': 'Layer already exists', 'progressDetail': {}, 'id': '34294d7703b6'}
{'status': 'Layer already exists', 'progressDetail': {}, 'id': 'd2bb1fc88136'}
{'status': 'Layer already exists', 'progressDetail': {}, 'id': '833649a3e04c'}
{'status': 'Layer already exists', 'progressDetail': {}, 'id': 'a6a01ad8b53f'}
{'status': 'latest: digest: sha256:fd2d4088f258feacdc373a99dc3fcc1fe83433d2d61c861e996788cbb829adda size: 1991'}
{'progressDetail': {}, 'aux': {'Tag': 'latest', 'Digest': 'sha256:fd2d4088f258feacdc373a99dc3fcc1fe83433d2d61c861e996788cbb829adda', 'Size': 1991}}

Sounds like a problem with ThriftyBuilder - I've raised an issue here: wtsi-hgi/thrifty-builder#4.

Bug in Trifty fix; updated image required (waiting for Dockerhub build).

Latest image should be pulled - problem hopefully resolved.