=== Post Template === Contributors: vprat Tags: post, model, templates, page, posts, manage Requires at least: 4.7.2 Tested up to: 4.7.2 A plugin that allows you to create and use templates in order to facilitate writing of similar posts/pages. == Description == It happens quite often that a blogger publishes posts or static pages on a regular basis which have the same structure. Think about for example a "picture of the day" daily post. With current wordpress state, we need to spend a lot of time doing copy/paste between posts instead of actually writing content. All the instructions for installation, the support forums, etc. can be found on the [plugin home page](http://www.marvinlabs.com). == Screenshots == 1. The template management page (From here, create template, create a post from a template, ...) 2. The template edition page (From here, edit your template and create a post from this template) 3. The post management page (You can create a template from an existing post using the "Templatize" button) 4. The post edition page (You can create a template from current post using the related links) 5. Support of custom fields (since version 4.0.0)
PHP7 compatible fork of WordPress post-template plugin (by Vincent Prat, no longer maintained)