
A curated list of most recent papers & codes in Learning with Partial/Complementary Labels

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A curated list of most recent papers & codes in Learning with Partial/Complementary Labels


To be continued...


Benchmarks & Leaderboard

Real-World partial-label benchmarks:

Notice: The following partial label learning data sets were collected and pre-processed by Prof. Min-Ling Zhang, with courtesy and proprietary to the authors of referred literatures on them. The pre-processed data sets can be used at your own risk and for academic purpose only. More information can be found in here.

Dataset Website Paper
FG-NET data [Download link] [Paper]
Lost data [Download link] [Paper]
MSRCv2 data [Download link] [Paper]
BirdSong data [Download link] [Paper]
Soccer Player data [Download link] [Paper]
Yahoo! News [Download link] [Paper]
Mirflicker data [Download link] [Paper]

Leaderboard, To be continued...

Papers & Code in 2024


  • Learning with Complementary Labels Revisited: The Selected-Completely-at-Random Setting Is More Practical
  • Does Label Smoothing Help Deep Partial Label Learning?
  • [SEU PALM Lab] Learning with Partial-Label and Unlabeled Data: A Uniform Treatment for Supervision Redundancy and Insufficiency
  • Partial Multi-View Multi-Label Classification via Semantic Invariance Learning and Prototype Modeling
  • A General Framework for Learning from Weak Supervision


  • Candidate Label Set Pruning: A Data-centric Perspective for Deep Partial-label Learning


  • CroSel: Cross Selection of Confident Pseudo Labels for Partial-Label Learning.


[TKDE] [SEU PALM Lab] Dimensionality Reduction for Partial Label Learning: A Unified and Adaptive Approach

[MLJ] A Deep Model for Partial Multi-Label Image Classification with Curriculum Based Disambiguation


  • Partial Label Supervision for Agnostic Generative Noisy Label Learning
  • Understanding Self-Distillation and Partial Label Learning in Multi-Class Classification with Label Noise
  • Uncertainty-Aware Partial-Label Learning
  • Pseudo-labelling meets Label Smoothing for Noisy Partial Label Learning
  • Appeal: Allow Mislabeled Samples the Chance to be Rectified in Partial Label Learning
  • Enhancing Label Sharing Efficiency in Complementary-Label Learning with Label Augmentation
  • Deep Learning with Partially Labeled Data for Radio Map Reconstruction.
  • Towards Unbiased Exploration in Partial Label Learning
  • Imprecise label learning: A unified framework for learning with various imprecise label configurations.
  • Robust Representation Learning for Unreliable Partial Label Learning
  • Pseudo Labels Regularization for Imbalanced Partial-Label Learning.
  • Star Temporal Classification: Sequence Classification with Partially Labeled Data.
  • Learning Reliable Representations for Incomplete Multi-View Partial Multi-Label Classification.
  • A Confidence-based Partial Label Learning Model for Crowd-Annotated Named Entity Recognition
  • Deep Duplex Learning for Weak Supervision.
  • Learning from Stochastic Labels.
  • Towards Mitigating the Problem of Insufficient and Ambiguous Supervision in Online Crowdsourcing Annotation.
  • Active Learning with Partial Labels.
  • Partial Label Learning for Emotion Recognition from EEG
  • Solving Partial Label Learning Problem with Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning.
  • Adversary-aware partial label learning with label distillation.
  • ARNet: Automatic Refinement Network for Noisy Partial Label Learning.
  • Meta Objective Guided Disambiguation for Partial Label Learning.

Papers & Code in 2023


  • [SEU PALM Lab] Disentangled partial label learning.
  • [SEU PALM Lab] Long-tailed partial label learning by head classifier and tail classifier cooperation.
  • [SEU PALM Lab] Distilling reliable knowledge for instance-dependent partial label learning.
  • Partial Label Learning with a Partner.
  • Adaptive Integration of Partial Label Learning and Negative Learning for Enhanced Noisy Label Learning.
  • Candidate Label Set Pruning: A Data-centric Perspective for Deep Partial-label Learning.


  • [MLJ] Exploiting Counter-Examples for Active Learning with Partial-labels.
  • [Neural Networks] Boosting Semi-Supervised Learning with Contrastive Complementary Labeling.
  • [Pattern Recognition] Self-distillation and self-supervision for partial label learning.

Papers & Code in 2023


  • [SEU PALM Lab] Disambiguated Attention Embedding for Multi-Instance Partial-Label Learning.
  • ALIM: Adjusting Label Importance Mechanism for Noisy Partial Label Learning.
  • [SEU PALM Lab] Partial multi-label learning with probabilistic graphical disambiguation.
  • [SEU PALM Lab] Learning From Biased Soft Labels.
  • [SEU PALM Lab] Partial Label Learning with Dissimilarity Propagation guided Candidate Label Shrinkage.


  • Candidate-aware Selective Disambiguation Based On Normalized Entropy for Instance-dependent Partial-label Learning.
  • Learning in Imperfect Environment: Multi-Label Classification with Long-Tailed Distribution and Partial Labels.


  • [SEU PALM Lab] Towards Effective Visual Representations for Partial-Label Learning.
  • Rethinking the Learning Paradigm for Dynamic Facial Expression Recognition.


  • [SEU PALM Lab] Complementary Classifier Induced Partial Label Learning.
  • Partial-label Learning with Mixed Closed-set and Open-set Out-of-candidate Examples.


  • [SEU PALM Lab] Unbiased risk estimator to multi-labeled complementary label learning.
  • [SEU PALM Lab] Unreliable Partial Label Learning with Recursive Separation.
  • Deep Partial Multi-Label Learning with Graph Disambiguation.


  • [SEU PALM Lab] Progressive Purification for Instance-Dependent Partial Label Learning.
  • [SEU PALM Lab] FREDIS: A Fusion Framework of Refinement and Disambiguation for Unreliable Partial Label Learning.
  • Consistent Complementary-Label Learning via Order-Preserving Losses.
  • Conformal Prediction with Partially Labeled Data.


  • [SEU PALM Lab] Can Label-Specific Feature Help Partial-Label Learning?
  • [SEU PALM Lab] Partial-Label Regression.
  • Learning with Partial Labels from Semi-supervised Perspective.


  • Long-Tailed Partial Label Learning via Dynamic Rebalancing.
  • Partial Label Unsupervised Domain Adaptation with Class-Prototype Alignment.
  • Mutual Partial Label Learning with Competitive Label Noise.
  • [SEU PALM Lab] Decompositional Generation Process for Instance-Dependent Partial Label Learning.


  • Reduction from Complementary-Label Learning to Probability Estimates.


  • [TPAMI] A Unifying Probabilistic Framework for Partially Labeled Data Learning.
  • [TPAMI] [SEU PALM Lab] On the Robustness of Average Losses for Partial-Label Learning.
  • [TPAMI] CMW-Net: Learning a Class-Aware Sample Weighting Mapping for Robust Deep Learning.
  • [TPAMI] PiCO+: Contrastive Label Disambiguation for Robust Partial Label Learning.
  • [TPAMI] [SEU PALM Lab] Towards enabling binary decomposition for partial multi-label learning.
  • [TPAMI] [SEU PALM Lab] Variational label enhancement.
  • [Pattern Recognition] GraphDPI: Partial label disambiguation by graph representation learning via mutual information maximization.
  • [Neural Networks] Partial label learning: Taxonomy, analysis and outlook.
  • [Neural Networks] Class-Imbalanced Complementary-Label Learning via Weighted Loss.
  • [Science China Information Sciences] [SEU PALM Lab] Multi-Instance Partial-Label Learning: Towards Exploiting Dual Inexact Supervision.
  • [TNNLS] Deep Double Incomplete Multi-View Multi-Label Learning With Incomplete Labels and Missing Views.

Papers & Code in 2022


  • SoLar: Sinkhorn Label Refinery for Imbalanced Partial-Label Learning.
  • Adversarial Training with Complementary Labels: On the Benefit of Gradually Informative Attacks.


  • [SEU PALM Lab] Submodular feature selection for partial label learning. [Paper] [Code]
  • [SEU PALM Lab] Partial label learning with discriminative augmentation.
  • Partial-Label Learning with Semantic Label Representations.


  • [SEU PALM Lab] Revisiting consistency regularization for deep partial label learning. [Paper] [Code]
  • Partial Label Learning via Label Influence Function.


  • Multi-label classification with partial annotations using class-aware selective loss


  • [SEU PALM Lab] Ambiguity-Induced Contrastive Learning for Instance-Dependent Partial Label Learning.
  • Boosting Multi-Label Image Classification with Complementary Parallel Self-Distillation. [Paper]
  • Exploring Binary Classification Hidden within Partial Label Learning.
  • Deep Graph Matching for Partial Label Learning.
  • Webly-Supervised Fine-Grained Recognition with Partial Label Learning.


  • Structured Semantic Transfer for Multi-Label Recognition with Partial Labels
  • Semantic-Aware Representation Blending for Multi-Label Image Recognition with Partial Labels


  • PiCO: Contrastive Label Disambiguation for Partial-Label Learning. [Paper][Code]
  • Exploiting Class Activation Value for Partial-Label Learning. [Paper][Code]


  • [TPAMI] [SEU PALM Lab] Adaptive graph guided disambiguation for partial label learning. [Paper][Supplement][Code]
  • [TPAMI] Deep Partial Multi-View Learning.
  • [TKDD] [SEU PALM Lab] Disambiguation enabled linear discriminant analysis for partial label dimensionality reduction. [Paper][Code]
  • [TNNLS] Biased Complementary-Label Learning Without True Labels.
  • [Pattern Recognition] Multi-Complementary and Unlabeled Learning for Arbitrary Losses and Models.
  • [Machine Learning] [SEU PALM Lab]Partial label learning with emerging new labels.
  • [AI] Distributed Semi-supervised Partial Label Learning Over Networks.
  • [Neurocomputing] Learning with Proper Partial Labels.
  • [Information Sciences] Dlsa: Semi-supervised partial label learning via dependence-maximized label set assignment.

Papers & Code in 2021



  • [SEU PALM Lab] Partial label dimensionality reduction via confidence-based dependence maximization. [Paper][Code]
  • Partial Multi-Label Learning with Meta Disambiguation. [Paper]



  • Detecting the Fake Candidate Instances: Ambiguous Label Learning with Generative Adversarial Networks


  • A Partial Label Metric Learning Algorithm for Class Imbalanced Data.



  • Joint Negative and Positive Learning for Noisy Labels. [Paper]


  • [SEU PALM Lab] Exploiting unlabeled data via partial label assignment for multi-class semi-supervised learning. [Paper][Code]
  • Adversarial Partial Multi-Label Learning with Label Disambiguation. [Paper]
  • [SEU PALM Lab] Learning from Noisy Labels with Complementary Loss Functions. [Paper]


  • [TPAMI] [SEU PALM Lab] Partial multi-label learning via credible label elicitation. [Paper][Code]

  • [TPAMI] Partial Multi-Label Learning with Noisy Label Identification. [Paper]

  • [TNNLS] Top-k Partial Label Machine. [Paper]

  • [TNNLS] Learning From a Complementary-Label Source Domain: Theory and Algorithms. [Paper]

  • [TNNLS] Discriminative Metric Learning for Partial Label Learning.

  • [TNNLS] [SEU PALM Lab] Progressive enhancement of label distributions for partial multilabel learning.

  • [TMM] Generalized Large Margin kNN for Partial Label Learning. [Paper]

  • [TMM] Global-Local Label Correlation for Partial Multi-Label Learning. [Paper]

  • [Cybernetics] Prior Knowledge Regularized Self-Representation Model for Partial Multilabel Learning.

  • [ICASSP] On the power of deep but naive partial label learning.

Papers & Code in 2020




  • [SEU PALM Lab] Progressive Identification of True Labels for Partial-Label Learning. [Paper][Code]
  • Bridging Ordinary-Label Learning and Complementary-Label Learning. [Paper]
  • Unbiased Risk Estimators Can Mislead: A Case Study of Learning with Complementary Labels. [Paper]
  • Learning with Multiple Complementary Labels. [Paper]


  • Partial Multi-Label Learning via Multi-Subspace Representation. [Paper]
  • Learning From Multi-Dimensional Partial Labels.


  • [SEU PALM Lab] Multi-view partial multi-label learning with graph-based disambiguation. [Paper][Code]
  • Partial Label Learning with Batch Label Correction. [Paper]
  • Generative-Discriminative Complementary Learning. [Paper]
  • Complementary Auxiliary Classifiers for Label-Conditional Text Generation. [Paper]
  • Deep Discriminative CNN with Temporal Ensembling for Ambiguously-Labeled Image Classification.


  • Network Cooperation with Progressive Disambiguation for Partial Label Learning. [Paper]
  • Online Partial Label Learning.


  • Learning with Noisy Partial Labels by Simultaneously Leveraging Global and Local Consistencies.


  • [TNNLS] Large Margin Partial Label Machine.
  • [Cybernetics] A Self-Paced Regularization Framework for Partial-Label Learning.

Papers & Code in 2019


  • [SEU PALM Lab] Adaptive Graph Guided Disambiguation for Partial Label Learning.


  • Complementary-Label Learning for Arbitrary Losses and Models. [Paper]


  • NLNL: Negative Learning for Noisy Labels. [Paper]


  • Partial Label Learning with Unlabeled Data.
  • Partial Label Learning by Semantic Difference Maximization.


  • Learning a Deep ConvNet for Multi-Label Classification With Partial Labels


  • Partial Label Learning with Self-Guided Retraining.
  • [SEU PALM Lab] Partial Label Learning via Label Enhancement.


  • [TKDE] GM-PLL: Graph Matching based Partial Label Learning.

Papers & Code in 2018


[SEU PALM Lab]Towards Mitigating the Class-Imbalance Problem for Partial Label Learning


  • Learning with Biased Complementary Labels. [Paper]


  • Adversarial Complementary Learning for Weakly Supervised Object Localization. [Paper]

Papers & Code in 2017


  • Learning from Complementary Labels. [Paper]