
[Maya] A set of tools for Maya and a scalable shelf.

Primary LanguagePython


forthebadge made-with-python ForTheBadge built-with-love ForTheBadge powered-by-electricity


Developer: Hongjun Wu

Don't forget to star this project if you like it ヽ(✿゚▽゚)ノ!

Let me know if your studio or project needs a hand :)

Reason of AnimKit's Existence:  

*Encounters a Problem*  

Me: Ok this is so stupid 
    I cannot believe Maya/Ae/Pr does not have a way to do this

*Search on Internet for solutions*

*Thirty minutes later* 

Me: F**k this I'll write my own

*This happens too many times*

Me: Ok might just make all my fixes into a shelf collection


  • AnimKit is only supported on machines with Maya 2020 and below that uses Python2.
  • So it is deprecated with no plans for further development.
  • A Python 3 version is in development but with no ETA.


  • Watch the full demo video to learn about all the features of AnimKit!


  • Here is a demo project I did using AnimKit.



Windows Automatic Installer:

  • Just run the animkit installation script install_animkit.py.

Windows & macOS & Linux Manually Install(Untested, let me know if it works):

  • Copy all icon to your a sub folder of your maya pref directory: \maya\2020\prefs\icons\animkit\.
  • Copy all scripts to your maya pref directory: \maya\2020\scripts\.
  • Copy all plug-ins to your maya pref directory: \maya\2020\plug-ins\.

In C:\Users\YOUR USER NAME\Documents\maya\scripts\userSetup.py (Your maya pref) add the following line:

# Note if you don't have this file then you can simply copy over the demo userSetup.py file.

# Load AnimKit

from maya import cmds
if not cmds.about(batch=True):
    cmds.evalDeferred("import animkit_shelf; animkit_shelf.animkitshelf()")
# Finished loading AnimKit.

Post Installation

  • You should see [AnimKit Shelf]: Successfully loaded all components of AnimKit! in your script editor when you start Maya next time.

AnimKit Utilities

AnimKit Installation Script → install_animkit.py

  • Automatically one click solution install all scripts and icons to correct folder. (Windows only)

AnimKit Shelf → animkit_shelf.py

  • Scalable and highly flexible shelf with button hierarchy shelf container written in Python 3.

AnimKit Wrapper → animkit_wrapper.py

  • A wrapper for calling external fucntions like loading plug-ins to keep the shelf clean and tidy.

AnimKit Tools


  • Provide functionality in playblasting AVI and MP4, with padding or without padding.



  • Provide one click solution to save iterations of maya scene, as well as current playblast of animation.



  • Background one click script watermark free batch renderer for Arnold.




Fix-it-Felix → animkit_fix_it_felix.py

  • A collection of fixes for common problems.




Integrated Tools

Tools and scripts that are free and avaliable to public.


  • The easiest way to create breakdown poses in Maya.

External Tools

AnimKit Wrapper provides a functionality to load external tools and plug-ins.
You will have to acquire them separately and add them AnimKit. 
I am not allowed to redistribute them.

# Here are a couple examples:  

# Load a plug-in as a .mll file (AnimSchool Picker)
def load_animschool_picker(self):
    mel.eval("loadPlugin AnimSchoolPicker.mll;")

# Load a plug-in as a .mel file (reParent)
def load_reParent(self):

Animschool Picker\plug-ins\AnimSchoolPicker.mll

  • Character picker for AnimSchool rigs.


  • Tool for transfering animation from control to locator for polishing animation.

What if I don't have these tools and AnimKit failed to load?

  • Go to YOUR MAYA PREF\maya\2020\scripts\animkit_shelf.py and at the end of the code delete respective sections.




  • You are welcome to use this script for non-commercial use. However, if you want to use for commercial please contact me.


  • If you think this is helpful and would like to buy me a coffee, you can do that using WechatPay/AliPay or Venmo!
