
Open SSH/SFTP/mosh connections from Alfred 3

Primary LanguageGoOtherNOASSERTION

Secure SHell for Alfred

Open SSH/SFTP/mosh connections from Alfred 3 with autosuggestions based on SSH config files, /etc/hosts and your history.

"Secure SHell Demo"


  • Auto-suggest hostnames from ~/.ssh/* and /etc/hosts (sources can be individually disabled).
  • Remembers usernames, so you don't have to type them in every time. (You can also remove connections from your history or disable it entirely.)
  • Alternate actions:
    • Open connection with mosh instead of SSH.
    • Open SFTP connection instead of SSH.
    • Ping host.

Data sources

The workflow reads hosts from the following sources (in this order of priority):

  1. ~/.ssh/config
  2. History (i.e. username + host addresses previously entered by the user)
  3. ~/.ssh/known_hosts
  4. /etc/hosts
  5. /etc/ssh/ssh_config


Download the latest release and double-click the file to install in Alfred.


Keyword is ssh:

  • ssh [<query>] — View and filter known SSH connections.

    • or ⌘+<NUM> — Open the connection.
    • — Expand query to selected connection's title. Useful for adding a port number.
    • ⌘+↩ — Open an SFTP connection instead.
    • ⌘+⌥ — Open a mosh connection instead.
    • ⇧+↩ — Ping host.
    • ^+↩ — Forget connection (if it's from history).


There are several options available in the workflow's configuration sheet. Notably, you can turn off individual autosuggestion sources.

Variable Description
DISABLE_CONFIG Set to 1 to turn off suggestions from ~/.ssh/config.
DISABLE_ETC_CONFIG Set to 1 to turn off suggestions from /etc/ssh/ssh_config.
DISABLE_ETC_HOSTS Set to 1 to turn off suggestions from /etc/hosts.
DISABLE_HISTORY Set to 1 to disable the History (reading and writing).
DISABLE_KNOWN_HOSTS Set to 1 to turn off suggestions from ~/.ssh/known_hosts.
EXIT_ON_SUCCESS Set to 1 (default) to close shell if ping or mosh command exits cleanly
EXTERNAL_TRIGGER Set to 1 to use an External Trigger instead of AppleScript to re-open Alfred. The External Trigger is safer, but leaves Alfred in a weird mode.
MOSH_CMD Set to the full path to mosh if your shell can't find it. Set to empty to disable mosh connections.

For SSH and SFTP connections, the workflow creates an ssh:// (or sftp://) URL and asks the system to open it. These will open in whichever application you have configured to handle these URLs (Terminal.app is the default for ssh://).

The ping and mosh commands use Alfred's Terminal Command output, which also call Terminal.app by default.

Using iTerm2

If you'd prefer to use iTerm2 rather than Terminal.app, there are two steps:

  1. To have ping and mosh commands open in iTerm2, install @stuartcryan's iTerm2 plugin for Alfred.
  2. To open ssh: connections in iTerm2, Set iTerm2 as the default handler for ssh: URLs in iTerm2's own preferences under Profiles > PROFILE_NAME > General > URL Schemes:

iTerm2 > Preferences > PROFILE_NAME > General > URL Schemes

Licencing & thanks

This workflow is released under the MIT Licence.

It uses the following libraries and resources:

This workflow started as a port of @isometry's Python SSH workflow to Go as a testbed for awgo. It has since gained some additional features.

If you need Alfred 2 support, check out @isometry's workflow.


  • v0.7.1 — 2016-12-12
    • Fix updater bug
    • Smarter SSH URLs for hosts from ~/.ssh/config
    • Better removal of duplicates
  • v0.6.0 — 2016-11-09
    • Add in-workflow updates
  • v0.5.0 — 2016-10-31
    • Add support for SSH configuration files (~/.ssh/config and /etc/ssh/ssh_config)
    • Alternate action: open connection with mosh
  • v0.4.0 — 2016-05-27
    • Add ability to turn sources of suggestions off #1
  • v0.3.0 — 2016-05-26
    • Alternate action: Open SFTP connection
    • Alternate action: Ping host
    • Remember connections with usernames, so you don't have to type the username each time
  • v0.2.0 — 2016-05-23
    • First public release