
the coolest contacts app

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Project Overview

Simple web application for gathering and editing a user's contacts.


  • User account
  • Create contact
  • Delete contact
  • Edit contacts
  • Contact fields should include
    • first name
    • last name
    • company name
    • phone
    • address
    • birthday
    • additional notes
  • Search contact list
  • Contact grouping/sorting via tagging/labels

Phase 2 Features

  • Port project over to OSX, iOS, and Android as a native app
  • Sync contacts

To run

  • Mongod must be running on port 27017
  • To get sample data, run: mongorestore dump
  • Open mongo shell (mongo) and add unique index: db.users.ensureIndex({name: 1}, {unique: true})
  • Python 2.7, virtualenv, pip
  • Create virtualenv: virtualenv venv
  • Activate virtualenv: source venv/bin/activate
  • Install requirements: pip install -r requirements.txt
  • Run app on port 5000: python app.py
  • Install npm, node.js for build tools (bower, gulp)
  • Install dependencies in package.json: npm install
  • Run gulp: node_modules/.bin/gulp

Proposed Schema

	"name": "",
	"password": "",
				"lastName": "",
				"firstName": "",
				"company": "",
				"phone": "",
				"address": "",
				"birthday": "",
				"notes": "",
				"tags" : []