Magento development team. 9+ years experience. Feel free to contact us if you need a hand. Magento開発チーム。日本のプロジェクトも長年参画中。貴社のMagento開発が進まないなら、お気軽にご連絡ください。
Wubin Inc.Global
Pinned Repositories
A simple Magento 2 extension that prevents customer from changing account email address. Works for both Frontend and WebAPI area.
A Magento 2 module that injects code(eg: <script>, <style>, etc.) into HTML <head> element. Admins choose which page they want to inject by specifying a Match Method such as URI Pattern. Stores, Customer Groups can also be specified. This module supports FPC/Fastly/Varnish and makes use of Browser Local Storage to achieve best performance.
Wubinworks Homepage - Magento Extension - Magento custom development
An alternative solution(as a Magento 2 extension) to fix the XXE vulnerability CVE-2024-34102(aka Cosmic Sting). If you cannot upgrade Magento or cannot apply the official patch, try this one.
Disable Customer Extension for Magento 2. Disable/Enable customer login, password reset and account activation. Works for both Frontend and WebAPI area.
A replacement of `\Magento\Framework\Xml\Security` for Magento 2 with enhanced XML Security.
Fix the JWT authentication vulnerability on certain Magento 2 versions. Deny tokens issued by old encryption key. If you cannot upgrade Magento or cannot apply the official patch, try this one.
A Magento 2 module [1] Adds translation data from [module or theme root]/i18n/Js/[locale].csv to frontend translation dictionary. [2] Enables Module to override Theme, Language Pack and DB translations by creating CSV file in specific location inside the Module.
Formatting Price has never been easier with this extension. A Price Formatter for Magento 2. #日本語化 #日本ローカライズ #価格表示
Magento 2 patch for CVE-2022-24086, CVE-2022-24087. Fix the RCE vulnerability and related bugs by performing deep template variable escaping. If you cannot upgrade Magento or cannot apply the official patches, try this one.
wubinworks's Repositories
Fix the JWT authentication vulnerability on certain Magento 2 versions. Deny tokens issued by old encryption key. If you cannot upgrade Magento or cannot apply the official patch, try this one.
Formatting Price has never been easier with this extension. A Price Formatter for Magento 2. #日本語化 #日本ローカライズ #価格表示
A simple Magento 2 extension that prevents customer from changing account email address. Works for both Frontend and WebAPI area.
An alternative solution(as a Magento 2 extension) to fix the XXE vulnerability CVE-2024-34102(aka Cosmic Sting). If you cannot upgrade Magento or cannot apply the official patch, try this one.
Disable Customer Extension for Magento 2. Disable/Enable customer login, password reset and account activation. Works for both Frontend and WebAPI area.
A Magento 2 module [1] Adds translation data from [module or theme root]/i18n/Js/[locale].csv to frontend translation dictionary. [2] Enables Module to override Theme, Language Pack and DB translations by creating CSV file in specific location inside the Module.
A Magento 2 module that injects code(eg: <script>, <style>, etc.) into HTML <head> element. Admins choose which page they want to inject by specifying a Match Method such as URI Pattern. Stores, Customer Groups can also be specified. This module supports FPC/Fastly/Varnish and makes use of Browser Local Storage to achieve best performance.
Wubinworks Homepage - Magento Extension - Magento custom development
A utility for Magento 2 encryption key rotation and management. CVE-2024-34102(aka Cosmic Sting) victims can use it as an aftercare.
A replacement of `\Magento\Framework\Xml\Security` for Magento 2 with enhanced XML Security.
A Magento 2 module [1] Adds support for `application/wubinworks-x-www-form-urlencoded`. [2] Conditionally modifies JSON output behavior.
An extremely simple module that enables Magento 2's ability to use `RequireCss`.
Magento 2 patch for CVE-2022-24086, CVE-2022-24087. Fix the RCE vulnerability and related bugs by performing deep template variable escaping. If you cannot upgrade Magento or cannot apply the official patches, try this one.