
Docker/Qemu/Bochs Based Linux 0.11 Kernel Development Environment

Primary LanguageCGNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0

Linux 0.11 Lab

The old Linux kernel source version 0.11 and the integrated experiment environment.

CS630 Qemu Lab is a related project, it is a friendly learning environment for the X86 assembly course: CS630.

If you want to learn the latest Linux Kernel, please try our Linux Lab

Linux 0.11 Lab Demo



  • Basic information

  • Features

    • compilable with many different versions of Gcc.
    • has been tested under modern Linux, Mac OS X and even work on Windows with Docker Toolbox.
    • add bulit-in qemu and bochs support, include running and debugging.
    • integrate different prebuilt rootfs (floopy, ramdisk and harddisk).
    • allow to generate callgraph of every specified function
    • a Dockerfile added to simplify this setup on other systems (e.g. Windows).

Build on Linux

Linux Setup

The docker install method is recommended for all systems, including Linux, Windows and Mac OS.

Here is the deprecated method:

  • The Linux distributions: debian and ubuntu (>= 14.04) are recommended

  • Install basic tools

      $ sudo apt-get install vim cscope exuberant-ctags build-essential qemu lxterminal
  • Optional

      $ sudo apt-get install bochs vgabios bochsbios bochs-doc bochs-x libltdl7 bochs-sdl bochs-term
      $ sudo apt-get install graphviz cflow

Hack Linux 0.11 on Linux

$ cd src/
$ make help		// get help
$ make  		// compile
$ make boot-hd	// boot it on qemu with hard disk image
$ make boot-hd G=0  // Use curses based terminal instead of graphics, friendly for ssh login, exit with 'ESC+2'
$ QEMU_PREBUILT=0 make boot-hd // Don't use prebuilt qemu. latest qemu only boot with hd rootfs

$ make switch                // switch to another emulator, between qemu and bochs
Switch to use emulator: bochs
$ make boot VM=qemu|bochs    // specify the emulator, between qemu and bochs

// edit .kernel_gdbinit(for kernel.sym) and .boot_gdbinit(for bootsect.sym and setup.sym) before debugging

$ make debug-hd	// debug kernel.sym via qemu and start gdb automatically to connect it.
$ make debug-hd DST=boot/bootsect.sym  // debug bootsect, can not debug code after ljmp
$ make debug-hd DST=boot/setup.sym     // debug setup, can not debug after ljmp

Build on Mac OS X

Note: A simpler method is using Docker Toolbox with our Dockerfile, see Build on the other systems

Mac OS X Setup

  • Install xcode from "App Store"

  • Install Mac package manage tool: MacPorts from http://www.macports.org/install.php

    • Check your OS X version from "About This Mac", for example, Lion

    • Go to the "Mac OS X Package (.pkg) Installer" part and download the corresponding version

    • Self update MacPorts

            $ xcode-select --switch /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer
            $ sudo port -v selfupdate
  • Install cross compiler gcc and binutils

      $ sudo port install i386-elf-binutils i386-elf-gcc 
  • Install qemu

      $ sudo port install qemu
  • Install graphviz and cflow

      $ sudo port install GraphViz
      $ sudo port install cflow
  • Install gdb. 'Cause port doesn't provide i386-elf-gdb, use the pre-compiled tools/mac/gdb.xz or download its source and compile it.

      $ cd tools/mac/ ; tar Jxf gdb.xz


$ sudo port install cscope
$ sudo port install ctags

$ wget ftp://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/gdb/gdb-7.4.tar.bz2
$ tar -xzvf gdb-7.4.tar.bz2
$ cd gdb-7.4
$ ./configure --target=i386-elf
$ make

Hack Linux 0.11 on Mac

Same as Hack Linux-0.11 on Linux

Build on Other Systems (include Mac OS X, Windows)

If want to use this Lab on the other systems, such as Windows (and even Mac OS X), with the Dockerfile support, everything is simplified.

Only need to install the docker toolbox, which is a lightweight Linux distribution made specifically to run Docker containers, with this tool and our Dockerfile, we can simply build a Linux 0.11 Lab on every system.

Setup with Docker Toolbox and Docker CE

  • Install Docker Toolbox and boot into it

  • Choose a working directory

    For the default system on virtualbox installed by Docker Toolbox, please use /mnt/sda1 instead of the default /root, otherwise, data will be lost.

      $ cd /mnt/sda1

    For Linux and Mac OSX, please simply choose one directory under ~/Documents or ~/Downloads.

      $ cd ~/Documents
  • Build and Start the service

      $ git clone https://github.com/tinyclub/cloud-lab.git
      $ cd cloud-lab/ && tools/docker/choose linux-0.11-lab
      $ tools/docker/run
  • The above command will start a VNC page, login with the password printed in the console


In order to run docker without password, please make sure your user is added in the docker group:

$ sudo usermod -aG docker $USER

In order to speedup docker images downloading, please configure a local docker mirror in /etc/default/docker, for example:

$ grep registry-mirror /etc/default/docker
DOCKER_OPTS="$DOCKER_OPTS --registry-mirror=https://docker.mirrors.ustc.edu.cn"
$ service docker restart

In order to avoid network ip address conflict, please try following changes and restart docker:

$ grep bip /etc/default/docker
$ service docker restart

If the above changes not work, try something as following:

$ grep dockerd /lib/systemd/system/docker.service
ExecStart=/usr/bin/dockerd -H fd:// --bip= --registry-mirror=https://docker.mirrors.ustc.edu.cn
$ service docker restart

Hack Linux 0.11 on other systems

Same as Hack Linux-0.11 on Linux

Hack Rootfs

Three different root filesystem images are stored in rootfs/:

  • rootram.img -- RAM image
  • rootimage -- Floppy image
  • hdc-0.11.img-- Harddisk image

Ram image

rootram.img is mountable directly:

$ mkdir /path/to/rootram/
$ sudo mount rootfs/rootram.img /path/to/rootram/

A new target ramfs-install is added to install files from examples/ to ramfs.

$ make ramfs-install

Floppy image

rootimage-0.11 is a minix filesystem, must with -t minix obviously:

$ sudo mkdir /path/to/rootimage/
$ sudo mount -t minix rootfs/rootimage-0.11 /path/to/rootimage

A new target flp-install is added to install files from examples/ to floppy image.

$ make flp-install

Harddisk image

hdc-0.11.img has a partition table, should be mounted with an offset:

$ mkdir /path/to/hdc/
$ fdisk -lu rootfs/hdc-0.11.img
$ fdisk -l rootfs/hdc-0.11.img

Disk rootfs/hdc-0.11.img: 127 MB, 127631360 bytes
16 heads, 38 sectors/track, 410 cylinders, total 249280 sectors
Units = sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes
Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
Disk identifier: 0x00000000

              Device Boot      Start         End      Blocks   Id  System
rootfs/hdc-0.11.img1               2      124031       62015   81  Minix / old Linux
rootfs/hdc-0.11.img2          124032      248063       62016   81  Minix / old Linux

$ sudo mount -o offset=$((2*512)) rootfs/hdc-0.11.img /path/to/hdc/

A new target hda-install is added to install files from examples/ to harddisk image.

$ make hda-install


Some examples are stored in examples/ with their own README.md:

Syscall -- shows how to add a new system call

A new demonstration is added: Linux 0.11 Lab: Add a new syscall into Linux 0.11


$ patch -p1 < examples/syscall/syscall.patch
$ make start-hd


$ cd examples/syscall/
$ make
as -o syscall.o syscall.s
ld -o syscall syscall.o
Hello, Linux 0.11
