
accelerated 1D and 2D convolution code

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


What's in this package

This package contains optimized parallel 1D and 2D correlation and convolution code.

  • corr1d.*, which contains functions that perform batched 1D correlation and 1D correlate/accumulate operations. The functions outperform numpy by 5-15x when the data is large and the filters are short, or when the problems can be parallelized.
  • conv2d.*, which contains functions that perform batched 2D same and valid convolutions.

The core code is implemented in C++ with hand-optimized SSE/AVX intrinsics, so the performance boost is not portable (for example, don't expect good performance on M1 Mac).


  • numpy
  • pybind11
  • C++11 compatible compiler
  • x86 CPU with AVX extensions and many cores (Intel preferred, no idea what happens on AMD)

How much extra performance do you get?

For 1D correlation/convolution, you can expect a 5-15x speedup over naive (possibly looped) application of np.correlate. The speedup is largest when the problems are highly embarrassingly parallel (for example, if the batch size is very large), or if the number of data time samples is very large (at least 1000). The speedup is negligible (or perhaps a slowdown) in the single-data-channel single-filter case if both the data and filter are very short (on the order of 150 samples each).

The np.float32 versions of the functions (invoked automatically if all of the input arrays have dtype np.float32) is around 2-4x faster than the np.float64 versions.

Example use cases

1D correlation code

  • Fast parallel high-pass filtering of raw recorded data. Every channel of Hierlemann array data needs to high-pass filtered with an FIR filter before spike-sorting. This requires convolving chunks of data, where each chunk contains ~1000 channels of data, each with ~20,0000-100,000 samples, with a relatively short FIR filter of length ~150. We can use corr1d.single_filter_multiple_data_correlate1D to quickly (in parallel) filter every channel with the same FIR filter. We can typically filter a 1000x20000 chunk of data (1s of data) in about 0.4s using this code.
  • Fast correlation of STA timecourses with visual stimulus for fitting LNP or subunit models from white noise. To fit LNP models from white noise movies, we need to correlate the stimulus movie matrix with shape (Height, Width, Frames) with a 1D timecourse. In this case, we can reshape the stimulus move matrix to shape (Height * Width, Frames) and then do the correlation with corr1d.single_filter_multiple_data_correlate1D.
  • Multichannel/multicell template matching for spike-sorting. Suppose we have a chunk of raw data, with shape (channels, samples), and candidate template matrix with shape (n_Candidate_Cells, channels, template_length), corresponding to N total cells. To do template matching, we want to correlate along the time (last dimension) and sum over the channel dimension, giving an output matrix of shape (n_Candidate_Cells, samples - template_length + 1). This can be done massively in parallel using the function corr1d.batch_filter_multichan_accum_correlate1D.
  • Multiple sequence detection. Suppose we have a long 1D data sequence, and we want to detect occurrences of many different known short subsequences. The data vector has shape (n_Samples, ), and the subsequence matrix has shape (n_subsequences, len_subsequence). We can apply corr1d.multiple_filter_single_data_correlate1D to find the subsequences.

2D convolution code

  • Preprocessing visual stimulus frames. Standard Python image processing libraries do not allow for parallel 2D convolutions. conv2d contains code for both valid and same 2D convolutions. The code performs convolutions in parallel for each image. We can filter 18,000 128x256 images of type np.float32 in about 1s total.

What this package isn't

This package is NOT a drop-in replacement for np.correlate or np.convolve. It is highly optimized to target the case where the length of the filter is VERY SHORT and substanstially shorter than the data. This package does best when the data to be filtered is either long in the temporal dimension or contains many channels that can be processed in parallel.

For cases where both the data AND filter are quite long and of comparable size, this package will perform very poorly, and you are probably better off doing convolutions/correlations with an FFT-based algorithm.

Installation instructions

Option 1, standalone package

To install as a standalone package, run

python setup.py install --force

Option 2, compile and add to PYTHONPATH

To compile the dependencies in a folder, run

python setup.py build_ext --inplace --force

and then add the folder to your PYTHONPATH.

Limited documentation

(see Python files corr1d/corr1d.py and conv2d/conv2d.py for full documentation, should be self-explanatory)

1D correlation with single filter, single data

import numpy as np
from fastconv import corr1d 

data = np.ones((10000, ), dtype=np.float64)
filter_taps = np.array([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0], dtype=np.float64)

filtered_1d = corr1d.short_filter_correlate1D(data, filter_taps)

filtered_1d will have shape (10000 - 9 + 1, ), and corresponds to the "valid" correlation of data with filter_taps.

1D correlation with multiple data, multiple filter

data = np.ones((5, 10000), dtype=np.float64)
filter_taps = np.random.randn(17, 55).astype(np.float64)

multidata_multifilter_1d = corr1d.multiple_filter_multiple_data_correlate1D(data, filter_taps)

multidata_multifilter_1d has shape (5, 17, 10000 - 55 + 1), corresponding to the "valid" correlation of every data channel with every filter.

1D correlate-accumulate

Suppose we have multichannel data and filters

data = np.ones((5, 10000), dtype=np.float64)
filter_taps = np.random.randn(5, 57).astype(np.float64)

corr1d.multichan_accum_correlate1D(data, filter_taps) is equivalent to applying the following function

def single_accumulate(multi_data, multi_filter):

    n_chan, data_len = multi_data.shape
    _, filter_len = multi_filter.shape

    output_len = data_len - filter_len + 1

    temp = np.zeros((output_len, ), dtype=multi_data.dtype)
    for i in range(n_chan):
        temp += np.correlate(multi_data[i,:], multi_filter[i,:])
    return temp

using the function call single_accumulate(data, filter_taps). The output has shape (10000 - 57 + 1, ), corresponding to the sum of 'valid' convolutions along the second dimension over the first dimension.

Batched-data Batched-filter correlate-accumulate

Suppose we have multichannel data and filters

data = np.ones((43, 5, 10000), dtype=np.float64)
filter_taps = np.random.randn(17, 5, 57).astype(np.float64)

corr1d.batch_data_batch_filter_multichan_accum_correlate1D(data, filter_taps) is equivalent to applying the following function

def multi_data_multi_filter_accumulate(multi_data, multi_filter):
    batch_data, n_chan, data_len = multi_data.shape
    batch_filter, n_chan, filter_len = multi_filter.shape

    output_len = data_len - filter_len + 1
    output = np.zeros((batch_data, batch_filter, output_len), dtype=multi_data.dtype)

    for i in range(batch_data):
        for j in range(batch_filter):
            for k in range(n_chan):
                output[i,j,:] += np.correlate(multi_data[i,k,:], multi_filter[j,k,:])
    return output

using the function call multi_data_multi_filter_accumulate(data, filter_taps). The output has shape (43, 17, 10000-57+1).