
Reimplementation of GetOldTweets3 for ruby

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

GoldTweets - GetOldTweets3, Ruby-style

A re-implementation of GetOldTweets3's API in Ruby, allowing for accessing of old tweets. The command line utility provided by the original work is excellent and not presently reimplemented.

Example Usage

Search for tweets by user(s):

criteria = GoldTweets::Search.new
criteria.username = 'twitter'
criteria.maximum_tweets = 20 # minimum returned by Twitter's search
tweets = GoldTweets.get_tweets(criteria)
puts tweets.first.text

Search for tweets with a particular query:

criteria = GoldTweets::Search.new
criteria.maximum_tweets = 20 # minimum returned by Twitter's search
criteria.query = 'ruby monad'
tweets = GoldTweets.get_tweets(criteria)
puts tweets.first.text


The implementation is as yet incomplete, lacking some features (emoji handling, passing a custom block to perform additional processing on tweets before they're returned, proxy support, &c.)