yarn add @wufe/floor-animation
import FloorAnimation from '@wufe/floor-animation';
const App = () => <div>
<FloorAnimation />
Prop | Type | Default | Definition |
scale | number | 60 | Dimensions of the triangles (in px) |
pitch | number | 0 | Pitch of the camera |
yaw | number | 3.05 | Yaw of the camera |
color | string | "#000" | Color for the background |
mode | number | 0 | 0 for simplex noise animation, 1 for random animation |
precision | number | 1 | precision for simplex noise mode |
canvasClassName | string | "" | class name to be applied to the canvas |
canvasStyle | object | {} | object containing css style for the canvas |
listenWindowResize | bool | true | automatic recalc on resize |
- Look for any related issues.
- If you find an issue that seems related, please comment there instead of creating a new one.
- If you find no related issue, create a new one.
- Include all details you can ( operative system, environment, interpreter version, etc.. ).
- Include the error log.
- Remember to check the discussion and update if there changes.
- Fork the repository
- Create your feature branch
- Commit your changes and push the branch
- Submit a pull request