
Solver name: rhoCfdemSolverPimple Compressible, Isothermal, CFDEM coupled solver, with PIMPLE algorithm

Testing Status

  • Reproduces incompressible cfdemSolverPiso ErgunMPI tutorial, with constant properties (that is, incompressible, with particles)
  • Reproduces rhoPimpleFoam tutorials (e.g., cavity, pitzDaly, sqBendLiq) without particles (that is, compressible, without particles)

Currently we do not have a benchmark for compressible, with particles


Solver name: rhoCfdemSolverPimpleScalar Compressible, Isothermal, CFDEM coupled solver, with PIMPLE algorithm and scalar transport

Note: A compressible radiation model has not been developed. Radiation is not enabled with rhoCfdemSolverPimpleScalar!


  • CFDEM 3.8.0
  • LIGGGHTS 3.8.0


  • rhoCfdemSolverPimple: Combines cfdemSolverPiso with rhoPimpleFoam
  • rhoCfdemSolverPimpleScalar: Combines CfdemSovlerPisoScalar with rhoPimpleFoam


  • Place the contents of the solver directory in $CFDEM_SOLVER_DIR
  • Ensure the compressible CFDEM library is installed.
  • Within the rhoCfdemSolverPimple directory, type wclean then wmake
  • Place the contents of the tutorial directory in $CFDEM_TUT_DIR
  • Optionally, add rhoCfdemSolverPimple/dir to the last line of solver-list.txt, located in $CFDEM_SRC_DIR/lagrangian/cfdemParticle/etc. If this edit is made, then rhoCfdemSolverPimple will automatically compile with the cfdemCompCFDEMsol command
  • Within the rhoCfdemSolverPimpleScalar directory, type wclean then wmake
  • Place the contents of the tutorial directory in $CFDEM_TUT_DIR
  • Optionally, add rhoCfdemSolverPimpleScalar/dir to the last line of solver-list.txt, located in $CFDEM_SRC_DIR/lagrangian/cfdemParticle/etc. If this edit is made, then rhoCfdemSolverPimpleScalar will automatically compile with the cfdemCompCFDEMsol command

Programming and Tutorial Notes

  • These solvers have ONLY been tested with OpenFOAM 5.x
  • The units for 0/p in the CFDEM ErgunMPI & packedBedTemp tutorials are changed relative to cfdemSolverPiso/cfdemSolverPisoScalar: Because the new solvers are incompressible, the units for pressure is now in Pa
  • LIGGGHTS coupling can be enabled or disabled with the "switch" found in caseDir/system/couplingParameters. An example is found in the ErgunMPI test case included here. To run standard OpenFOAM tutorials, LIGGGHTS coupling must be disabled, as described below.


To use the solver in rhoPimpleFoam (no particles) format, use the following setting in caseDir/system/couplingParameters

enableCoupling          off;

To use the solver in CFDEM mode (particles), use the following setting in caseDir/system/couplingParameters

enableCoupling          on;

Testing rhoCfdemSolverPimple

Example #1: Constant properties (i.e., constant rho => incompressible), with particles

  • CFDEM Tutorial ErgunMPI returns a similar result to cfdemSolverPiso. See tutorials/rhoCfdemSolverPimple/ErgunMPI.


Example #2: Compressible, no particles

  • OpenFOAM tutorial rhoPimpleFoam/cavity can be reproduced with rhoCfdemSolverPimple. See tutorials/rhoCdemSolverPimple/cavity tutorial.


Example #3: Compressible, no particles

  • OpenFOAM tutorial rhoPimpleFoam/pitzDaly can be reproduced with rhoCfdemSolverPimple. See tutorials/rhoCdemSolverPimple/pitzDaly tutorial.
  • Left video - rhoCfdemSolverPimple (but LIGGGHTS coupling is disabled)
  • Right video - OpenFOAM 5.x rhoPimpleFoam

Example #4: Compressible, no particles

  • OpenFOAM tutorial rhoPimpleFoam/sqBendLiq can be reproduced with rhoCfdemSolverPimple. See tutorials/rhoCdemSolverPimple/sqBendLiq tutorial.

Testing rhoCfdemSolverPimpleScalar

  • CFDEM Tutorial packedBed returns a similar result to cfdemSolverPiso. See tutorials/rhoCfdemSolverPimpleScalar/packedBedTemp.
  • Results

packedBedTempResults1 packedBedTempResults2