
Primary LanguageC++OtherNOASSERTION

MUSEN is an open-source DEM simulation framework.

For more information, please check the https://msolids.net/documentation. 

If you want refer to MUSEN please use contribution of [Dosta et al., 2020](https://doi.org/10.1016/j.softx.2020.100618).

For new versions and updates, please check https://msolids.net/musen/download.

Application examples: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCndqDrPpwcRqLeruavGmbbQ/videos

# Requirements 
MUSEN should install and work on all latest versions of Windows or Linux (Ubuntu or Red Head).
Requires Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2017 to run.

# Compilation for Windows
A fully functional version can be compiled and built with Microsoft Visual Studio 2017. 

Requirements on Windows:
- Microsoft Visual Studio 2017
- Qt 5.12.3 msvc2017_64
- Qt Visual Studio Tools for Visual Studio 2017
- Git
- CUDA 10
- cmake

How to build for Windows using Microsoft Visual Studio 2017:
1) Download and install cmake on your computer
2) Execute two files
3) Download and install CUDA 10
4) Download and install Qt 5.12.3 
5) Open MUSEN.sln file with Visual Studio and start compilation

# Compilation for Linux

Requirements on Linux:
- cmake 3.11.2
- gcc-7, g++-7

Build on Linux (Ubuntu version 18.04 or higher):
1) Move to ./MUSEN_Linux/
2) Run
   sudo ./install_prerequisites_local.sh
3) Run
   sudo ./linux_copy_files.sh
4) Run
   sudo ./make_musen_local.sh
5) Compiled version can be found

# Code organization
- Databases - agglomerates, geometries and materials databases
- ExternalLibraries - external libraries used in MUSEN (zlib and protobuf)
- GeneralFunctions - main functions and types used in MUSEN 
- GeneralFunctions\SimResultsStorage - low-level functions for data handling (load and save data)
- MUSEN\CMusen - command-line version of MUSEN
- MUSEN\Models - contact models (particle-particle, particle-wall, solid bonds, ...)
- MUSEN\Modules 
- MUSEN\Modules\BondsGenerator - generate bonds between particles
- MUSEN\Modules\ContactAnalyzer - general functions for fast contacts detection 
- MUSEN\Modules\FileManager - set of functions to convert, merge or modify .mdem files with simulation results
- MUSEN\Modules\ObjectsGenerator - dynamically generates particles or agglomerates during simulation
- MUSEN\Modules\PackageGenerator - generate packing of particles prior simulation
- MUSEN\Modules\ResultsAnalyzer - analyzer of simulation results (export necessary data to csv files)
- MUSEN\Modules\ScriptInterface - analyze input scripts for command-line version
- MUSEN\Modules\SimplifiedScene - simplified entity generated from SystemStructure and which is used during simulation
- MUSEN\Modules\Simulator - CPU and GPU simulators
- MUSEN\Modules\SystemStructure - main entity which stores the information about whole scene
- MUSEN\QTDialog - Qt dialog for main window
- MUSEN_Linux - set of scripts to compile MUSEN for linux
- QTDialogs - different Qt-based dialogs of GUI

# Third-party tools and libraries
- [Qt 5.12.3](https://www.qt.io/) – The Qt Company - [LGPL v3](https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/lgpl.html)
- [Protobuf 3.9.1](https://github.com/protocolbuffers/protobuf/) – Google Inc. - [BSD License](https://github.com/protocolbuffers/protobuf/blob/master/LICENSE)
- [zlib v1.2.11](https://www.zlib.net/) – Jean-loup Gailly and Mark Adler - [zlib License](https://www.zlib.net/zlib_license.html)
- [CUDA 10.0](https://developer.nvidia.com/cuda-zone) – Nvidia Corporation - [NVIDIA License](https://developer.download.nvidia.com/compute/cuda/10.0/Prod/docs/sidebar/EULA.pdf)