Staticize your static files.
This plugin requires Grunt ~0.4.5
If you haven't used Grunt before, be sure to check out the Getting Started guide, as it explains how to create a Gruntfile as well as install and use Grunt plugins. Once you're familiar with that process, you may install this plugin with this command:
npm install grunt-staticize --save-dev
Once the plugin has been installed, it may be enabled inside your Gruntfile with this line of JavaScript:
In your project's Gruntfile, add a section named staticize
to the data object passed into grunt.initConfig()
staticize: {
rev:{ //revisioning task
msite:{ //target
'files': ['temp/msite/**/*.{css,js,jpg,png,gif}'],
'dest': 'testF_2'
options: { //revisioning options
'encoding': 'utf8',
'algorithm': 'md5',
'length': 8
rep: { //replace task
msite: { //target
'files': ['temp/msite/*.{css,js,jade}'],
'assetsDirs': 'temp/msite/static/',
'patterns': /\/{0,1}\w+(\/\w+)*\.\w+/mg
Revisionging task is to add hash for files,like: /static/logo.jpg
-> /static/logo.d124da.jpg
Revisionging use field rev
to defined.
is a json type,which inclode some target,and a option
In each target you need defined files
(the files you want opration) and dest
(where you save the new files)
is optional,if you write this value,the new files will save to this folder, if you didn't write this,the old files will overwrite by the new files.
Type: String
Default value: utf8
the files' encoding
Type: String
Default value: md5
the files hash type
Type: String
Default value: 8
the hash length in the filename
staticize: {
rev:{ //revisioning task
msite:{ //target
'files': ['temp/msite/**/*.{css,js,jpg,png,gif}'],
'dest': 'testF_2'
options: { //revisioning options
'encoding': 'utf8',
'algorithm': 'md5',
'length': 8
Replace task is to replace all the resources' link url
That's say after you /static/logo.jpg
-> /static/logo.d124da.jpg
,you can use replace task to change all the place which use this file, for example in index.css
and index.html
we have
<img src="/static/logo.jpg">
after replace task,this two file will became
<img src="/static/logo.d124da.jpg">
Replace use field rep
to defined.
is a json type,which inclode some target
targetA: { },
targetB: { }
In each target you need defined files
(the files you want opration) and assetsDirs
(the static's place ) and patterns
(which we need replace)
staticize: {
rep: { //replace task
msite: { //target
'files': ['temp/msite/*.{css,js,jade}'], //replace this files
'assetsDirs': 'temp/msite/static/', //the static which files use in 'temp/msite/static/'
'patterns': /\/{0,1}\w+(\/\w+)*\.\w+/mg //if match for example 'ad/ad.jpg','dfa/d.css' and try to replace the match based on the 'assetsDirs'