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Greetings. Welcome to ros2multirobotbook. We hope you enjoy your stay.

The book is automatically compiled by changes to this repo. The compiled book can be accessed here:

Compiling the book locally

It's convenient to compile the book locally when making edits. The following steps will help you install the necessary tools.


Install a few dependencies, then Rust and cargo, its package manager:

sudo apt-get install libfontconfig1-dev libgraphite2-dev libharfbuzz-dev libicu-dev libssl-dev zlib1g-dev
sudo apt install cargo

Append cargo to the end of your ~/.bashrc file:

export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/.cargo/bin

Now use cargo to install mdbook:

. ~/.bashrc
cargo install mdbook
cargo install mdbook-open-on-gh
cargo install mdbook-latex
cargo install tectonic
cargo install mdbook-epub

Compiling the book

mdbook build

Then you can view the output:

firefox book/index.html

Alternatively, mdbuild can automatically trigger a rebuild on edits to any source file:

mdbook watch